by saintash » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:10 pm
you could always try the causal one there are no rules for that one so you may have better luck, but I cant say how much traffic it generates of Reddit users. tumblr may be okay but, traffic may be slow since it depends on people re-posting your stuff to see it. and if you are new you may not have any followers, (so its kinda like twitter but with more words)
Normally would have let it drop, but at the same time there was Dunkin donuts employ doing and one and his only proof was a crappy picture of a shirt. and I was pissed they were letting that slide, so put up one hell of a fight and in the end they ended up taking 5 others IAma's down because when i pointed out they seamed to have a problem with me because the others Iama's that had been going on for over two days with a lot less proof they said they 'missed' them.