Anyone used BackersHub?
  • aknicholas
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by aknicholas » Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:15 pm

    stagdesigns wrote:I used BackersHub Twice! Once in the beginning of the campaign and once towards the end!

    When I launched Kickstarter I was inundated with solicitations on crowd funding help. I choose BackersHub because it was straight forward and made sense. Dwight is hands on and stays involved to make sure you get the attention you need.
    I ordered the top package and instantly received over 4,000 dollar boost in pledges! I ordered a second one later to boost the campaign and received another 3-4,000 thousand. For a minimal investment BackersHub worked great for my project. It would have been tough without there help! They will create the traffic and that is what is needed.

    Clay Kennedy
    Stag Designs

    Can you provide a link to your successful project on Kickstarter?

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  • Fpex
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by Fpex » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:48 am

    Backerhub is a very nice community and it can help at the beginning. We have used it and it has helped to get to 60% (together with backer club and out own network) in few days .... the problem is to get beyond their help at the beginning.
  • MarekS
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by MarekS » Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:15 pm

    We are going to try BackersHub. All reviews sounds great and they have really big community of bakers and people interested in crowdfunding. A lot of people were happy with their services, so why not to give it a try? :)
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  • jumper
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by jumper » Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:52 pm

    I actually asked couple Kickstarter staffs and one of the most successful campaign owner just couple days ago about BackerHub and other similar service since I got a lot contact from them once my campaign is online. They won't suggest it since you are the one knows your target crowd and your project most. I'm sure they have some successful example projects, but for me, I just gonna keep writing emails and messages.
  • stevenlo17
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by stevenlo17 » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:24 pm

    Since I checked this forum out before I decided to try BackersHub, I will return the favor by letting everyone know how my experience was with BackersHub.

    Link to our Kickstarter: ... electric-b

    We just finished funding as of yesterday (Mar 22 2015). We were successful in our funding and reached our goal within the first week. We decided to use BackersHub starting our 2nd week of campaign to keep 'exposure' going. As people have said here, Dwight is an easy guy to deal with. My personal experience is that he is quite slow to respond and when he does respond, he eludes the questions you may have but gives you tons of information that may be related.

    Did we get more backers with BackersHub? Short answer = no. Long answer = no, BUT we did indeed get exposure to their list of members. This is actually the crucial part. BackersHub will only be useful if your product caters towards the members' tastes AND budget. From my experience, BackersHub is indeed fill with lots of members. Not all of them are active, and the ones that are, they are frugal. A lot of the time, their Facebook group is filled with postings about 'people wanting to sell/ give their early bird positions'. The other times are people talking about projects they backed in the past. And sometimes, you'll see people post current projects that are of interests to them. As exclusive as they make themselves sound, any one can simply request to join and they'll let them in the group.

    So what does BackersHub actually do?
    For our package ($299), they made 2 sponsored posts to their facebook group and pinned the post to the top of the page for a few hours. This is a joke and completely pointless.

    Then they sent an email to all their list members with our project alongside 3 others. This might be useful for certain projects.

    They also send you lots of information regarding how to run a successful campaign. If you need these information to begin with, it means you have not done your homework. These information only teaches you what you need to do, but not how to do it. For us, it just let us know what we did prior to launch was in the right direction.

    Lastly, they'll send you an excel list of 1000+ media contacts. It looks better than it actually is. I spend a week gathering media contacts myself and got over 100 contacts. I don't know if i could trust BackersHub's contact list as they seem way out of date. I emailed the list and a lot of the emails does not go through. None of the emails that did go through responded or even opened the email (i installed Mail Track on my gmail). All our media coverage was from the 100 contacts i gathered myself.

    Hope this gives people some insight!

    TL:DR - Read the paragraph that was bolded
  • aknicholas
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by aknicholas » Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:39 pm

    I called the number and spoke to the founder. He seemed interested in my project and suggested that I purchase one of his packages. He mentioned some projects that he had "helped" and mentioned when they were publicized. Both were successful, but there was no spike in activity on the dates he spoke about. If anything, there was a slump after backershub. I followed up by asking some questions, such as asking for a sample of the newsletter that went out recently. I wanted to see the format, as I was seriously considering buying a slot. I also wanted to look at the kicktraq to see if I could in any way validate an increase from backershub.

    I emailed several times to follow up, but all were ignored.

    Here is my take: any service that just blasts out info to a generalized list of people is going to, at best, just duplicate what Kickstarter already does: list your project to people who back projects. They can already go to Kickstarter to find you.
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  • DwightfromBackersHub
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by DwightfromBackersHub » Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:25 pm

    Hey everybody!

    Dwight here from BackersHub - thanks to all of the creators that
    have shared their experience with us here. We truly appreciate you
    guys and gals for allowing us to assist and promote your campaign
    to our community of Backers.

    I just wanted to take a moment and set the right expectations on what
    BackersHUB is and more importantly, what we are NOT.

    BackersHUB is an online community of repeat Kickstarter & Indiegogo
    Backers that sign up to our weekly newsletter to receive:

    • Notifications of New Campaigns & Early Bird Rewards
    • Exclusive Giveaways
    • Exclusive Deals - we negotiate from successful creators

    With over 12,000 Backers subscribed to our list and over 6,000 Backers
    in our private FB Group, our most popular categories are Tech, Product
    Design, & Men's Fashion however our Backers back a wide variety of
    categories. The one's mentioned above just so happens to be the most
    popular for us.

    We offer affordable promotional packages to serve as a boost for creators,
    our newsletter is to be viewed as a supplement to their marketing efforts.
    Our job is to bring Backers to creators campaign pages, it's the creators
    job to convert the traffic we send into actual Backers. Great campaigns do
    great on our list. Mediocre campaigns tend to do just that... mediocrely.

    Our packages consist of a two front approach - being featured in our
    weekly newsletter and being a sponsored posts in our FB Group. Our
    Newsletter goes out to list and a sponsored posts is pinned to the top
    of our FB group for 4 hours. Engagement with both depends on compelling
    our clients campaign is.

    Our Backers in our FB Group give creators valuable feedback on their
    campaign and allows creators to engage with them in a more personal
    way via questions and answers.

    What we do is very simple, as there is no magic bullet involved - we can
    not force Backers to back campaigns they find no value in. However,
    we do put each creator we work with in the best position to take full
    advantage of our community.

    We are a very small team of 3 and we love working with entrepreneurs,
    creatives and marketers - we love awesome ideas and are grateful to
    play a role in bring new ideas to the world.

    Not every campaign is a great fit for our community, and we reach out
    to clients that we believe will be the best fit. If we could guarantee 100%
    success with each campaign we would, we believe that is unethical as
    we can not force Backers to be interested in a product.

    If anybody has any questions, feel free to give us a call at (415) 506-9270
    or shoot me an email at

    Cheers + Good Luck!

    Dwight from BackersHub
    Business Director
    (415) 506-9270
  • aknicholas
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by aknicholas » Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:43 pm

    DwightfromBackersHub wrote:Dwight here from BackersHub - ...

    ...we can not force Backers to back campaigns...

    ...we can not force Backers to be interested in a product...

    Wonder why you keep talking about forcing backers? Bizarre, as was my phone conversation with you and your evasive tactics.
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  • aknicholas
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by aknicholas » Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:45 pm

    Fpex wrote:Backerhub is a very nice community and it can help at the beginning. We have used it and it has helped to get to 60% (together with backer club and out own network) in few days .... the problem is to get beyond their help at the beginning.

    Can you provide a link to your successful campaign?
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  • aknicholas
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    Re: Anyone used BackersHub?

    by aknicholas » Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:48 pm

    MarekS wrote:...All reviews sounds great a.... A lot of people were happy with their services, so why not to give it a try? :)

    All reviews sounds [sic] great??? Is somebody using multiple accounts to make fake posts?
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