elenagart wrote:Hi, we have purchased Kickstartmyads "Reach Crowdfounders $295, reach 6,500+" package.
elenagart wrote:Hi, sharing a final update on my two previous posts about my experience with Kickstartmyads. After delay they emailed me back. Final report shows reach = 6,423, post engagement= 35. They have refunded me $150 as per my request. They maintain that they provided me with outstanding marketing service and the that they have refunded me only because of the interruptions in communication with my campaign manager - they said he left the company. I disagree. We got 35 people clicking on the ad, so $295 - $150 = $145. $145 per 35 clicks is not a reasonable cost to me. No backers from this activity.
Personally, I am not a fan of Kickstarter creators embracing ambulance chasing, as a primary mechanism of getting people to back their projects, but free enterprise encompasses many different and diverse methods of people trying to make a buck.
So, let's focus solely upon the actual numbers in question.
If the reach was supposed to be 6,500+, then how does failing to meet the advertised figure of 6,500 qualify as outstanding marketing service? Quite plain and simply, it doesn't, because it can't. 6,500 would be the bare minimum threshold. 6,423 is not far from 6,500, but anybody with even a rudimentary skill in mathematics can quickly and easily comprehend that 6,423 is LESS THAN 6,500.
Of course, projects vary. Even still, if the company can't even meet the bare standards that they, themselves, set, then it certainly should send up red flags to others who might be considering using the company, no matter which company that it is.
But, if a project creator is operating off of ignorance, and trusting in blind luck, then it should come as no real surprise that things turn out differently from what was hoped for.
The definition of outstanding hasn't changed. If it didn't meet its minimum stated number, then it failed, which is at the far opposite end of the spectrum from outstanding, on the results scale.