Any Experience With Indegogo Indemand ??
  • Mwilliams
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    Any Experience With Indegogo Indemand ??

    by Mwilliams » Wed May 09, 2018 9:11 pm

    Has anyone ever used Indiegogo Indemand after a successful Kickstarter campaign. They reach out to me recently and I'm trying to decide if it worth it or not, it doesn't seem like there are to many projects using their Indemand service. Also, my project was a board game, from reviews I've read it doesn't seem like the have a large board game following on Indiegogo.

    Would love or appreciate advice from anyone who's used the service. Thanks in advance!

    Don't Get Drunk was funded on Kickstarter and is available for preorder at CrowdOx --->
  • hovercharge
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    Re: Any Experience With Indegogo Indemand ??

    by hovercharge » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:24 am

    It's a free platform for you, but they will take 8% fee per transaction (plus the 2.5% payment processing fee). They will copy over the amount you raised, so it will show the 'social proof' you gained from Kickstarter.

    It's free so any customers you gained from there will be from Indiegogo. Plus if they blast you out in their emails you might gain a lot more money.

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