About Crowd PR
  • Proud_ESP
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    Re: Info on Crowd PR?

    by Proud_ESP » Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:51 am

    Beware of Crowd PR Guru, they are a con artist of the highest order:
    https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/10 ... in-1388029

    Beware of their scam

  • ChasingThatGold
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    Re: Info on Crowd PR?

    by ChasingThatGold » Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:52 am

    crowdprguru.com was Crowd PR Ninja’s website before their heinous scam caught up to them and Crowd PR Guru before that.

    https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/pr ... da-1373687

    They've been blacklisted so many times from the major credit card companies due to chargebacks. Sending PayPal (or Venmo) money virtually as a "Gift" or to "Friends or Family" means you have no recourse. Best of luck!

    Do not work with them under any circumstances. Read the reviews above it is all you need to know.
    Chasing That Gold I've created 3 projects and counting...
  • eloisecrowdfunds
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    Crowd PR

    by eloisecrowdfunds » Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:43 am

    Wanted to come here and provide a warning to my fellow crowdfunding community.

    Mashable is the latest crowdfunding agency media feature behind a long list of them (some long time members might recall seeing the names Crowd PR Guru, crowdfundprpro.com, CrowdChirp, First Wave PR, Top Level PR, Milton's Boost System, and on and on and on they go. Constantly rebranding after they find success on the kickstarter plaform.

    A quick Google search and the promotions are piling up again as people catch on to their life and talking.

    It is is filled with redundant and un-christian claims throughout the website. Claim to be in business since 1992 when they only registered their domain / site in a few months ago here in 2017?

    Claim to be based in San Francisco yet are actually based in they Cayman Islands?

    Avoid William and his "media" at all costs. Crowd PR is the name of the game folks.

    BigBoJackson wrote:I want information on this agency: https://crowd.pr. They drew me in with claims of raising large amounts but I know its too good to be true. Plus their pricing is about $3k which is far above the $200 that PR is worth.

    Went to look up Amabrush and see what coverage their kickstarter got, and I found this little gem:
    http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style ... 34951.html

    Yeah, coverage in the independent. As if a crowdfunding marketing could ever do that. Either Amabrush got lucky, or they bribed a journalist there. Period.

    Also, their website does not even have enough traffic to show up on similar web:

    It’s not looking good for them. I didn’t even respond to any of their messages, I’m afraid and I know that fear doesn’t just happen for no reason. I can’t believe I’m asking this after all I have seen, but can anyone in the community share any reports about them? Any info at all anyone?

    My kickstarter really needs help, and my belief is that marketing will be my solution. Kickstarter doesn’t seem to drive as much traffic as it used to, I remember the good old days in 2011 when the platform was all you needed, but sadly it seems those days are long and gone.

    PR firms and ad agencies don’t seem to work on commission, they all even say that I have to pay for my own ads. I don’t get that - because why can’t I just pay them after the campaign ends? If they can actually raise funds and it’s guaranteed then they should have no problem putting up their own money for the ads - since they know that the funds are going to come as a result of the advertisements. It all seems like one big giant scam to me.
    Last edited by eloisecrowdfunds on Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
  • picklerick
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    Crowd PR

    by picklerick » Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:46 am

    They are known to go by the name of Jellop, Funded Today, and Crowd Mafia. We all need to be aware of Crowd PR and any deals in the kickstarter community. Yes we all want media outlets, but do we all want Crowd PR as well?


    BigBoJackson wrote:I want information on this agency: https://crowd.pr. They drew me in with claims of raising large amounts but I know its too good to be true. Plus their pricing is about $3k which is far above the $200 that PR is worth.

    Went to look up Amabrush and see what coverage their kickstarter got, and I found this little gem:
    http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style ... 34951.html

    Yeah, coverage in the independent. As if a crowdfunding marketing could ever do that. Either Amabrush got lucky, or they bribed a journalist there. Period.

    Also, their website does not even have enough traffic to show up on similar web:

    It’s not looking good for them. I didn’t even respond to any of their messages, I’m afraid and I know that fear doesn’t just happen for no reason. I can’t believe I’m asking this after all I have seen, but can anyone in the community share any reports about them? Any info at all anyone?

    My kickstarter really needs help, and my belief is that marketing will be my solution. Kickstarter doesn’t seem to drive as much traffic as it used to, I remember the good old days in 2011 when the platform was all you needed, but sadly it seems those days are long and gone.

    PR firms and ad agencies don’t seem to work on commission, they all even say that I have to pay for my own ads. I don’t get that - because why can’t I just pay them after the campaign ends? If they can actually raise funds and it’s guaranteed then they should have no problem putting up their own money for the ads - since they know that the funds are going to come as a result of the advertisements. It all seems like one big giant scam to me.

    Crowd PR: http://www.crowd.pr

    These guys are a known militant outfit and are doing their best to prop up this new name online creating fake usernames to speak fake reviews. The truth doesn't lie and these guys are getting raided on kickstarter just like they were countless other times all over online. Do your research and trust the wisdom of the community. If there is such a thing as Crowd PR anyways: www.crowd.pr
    Last edited by picklerick on Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
    I'm pickle riiiick. Now on kickstarter: http://kck.st/2AzRAFM
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    Crowd PR

    by drudge » Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:52 am

    BigBoJackson wrote:I want information on this agency: https://crowd.pr. They drew me in with claims of raising large amounts but I know its too good to be true. Plus their pricing is about $3k which is far above the $200 that PR is worth.

    Went to look up Amabrush and see what coverage their kickstarter got, and I found this little gem:
    http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style ... 34951.html

    Yeah, coverage in the independent. As if a crowdfunding marketing could ever do that. Either Amabrush got lucky, or they bribed a journalist there. Period.

    Also, their website does not even have enough traffic to show up on similar web:

    It’s not looking good for them. I didn’t even respond to any of their messages, I’m afraid and I know that fear doesn’t just happen for no reason. I can’t believe I’m asking this after all I have seen, but can anyone in the community share any reports about them? Any info at all anyone?

    My kickstarter really needs help, and my belief is that marketing will be my solution. Kickstarter doesn’t seem to drive as much traffic as it used to, I remember the good old days in 2011 when the platform was all you needed, but sadly it seems those days are long and gone.

    PR firms and ad agencies don’t seem to work on commission, they all even say that I have to pay for my own ads. I don’t get that - because why can’t I just pay them after the campaign ends? If they can actually raise funds and it’s guaranteed then they should have no problem putting up their own money for the ads - since they know that the funds are going to come as a result of the advertisements. It all seems like one big giant scam to me.

    A quick Google search for the term Crowd PR in reference to the PR agency, and the datas are piling up again as people catch on to their program.

    Crowd PR is filled with marketing and media claims throughout the website. Claim to be in business since 2015 when they only registered their domain / site in a few months ago here in 2017?

    Claim to be based in San Francisco yet are actually based in Florida? Their website is: www.crowd.pr (Crowd PR)

    Avoid William and his "company" at all costs. crowdpr can't be trusted!
    we will not be silenced! we are just getting started!

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