Hi All,
Launched 3 days ago and thought that after all the ward work preparing the campaign, the first days after launch would be more relaxed and would get some sleeptime! Apparently that was not a very clever thought!
The first days are far more hectic than any other day before launching! Constantly writing emails and press releases, talking and meeting with local press and all that in 3 days. Apparently the most important thing is the promotion of your product to media in order to get the necessary exposure. And of course the wait between previous and next is the most exhausting thing of all ! Although the feeling when you get a new backer is enough to keep you going!
On top of everything, our campaign is from Athens, Greece so considering the time difference with the US- New york is 7 hours behind Athens- We get even less sleep than before launch!
I would really like to know about other creator experiences regarding how they managed to keep up with all that!
Would also be happy if you checked our project called Stikey-A Magnetic Portable Stand & Cable Tidy on your keys