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Hi everyone! I wanted to share my campaign and get your feedback! I also wanted to hear anyone's best tips and tricks to promote campaigns.
Society is a membership-based marketplace offering a variety of home and personal care products at the price it costs to make them—which means no markup from retailers.
We believe everyone should have access to top-quality products, and we are proud to announce that we’re committed to clean ingredients with a purpose.
All of our products are packaged in a way that fits seamlessly in your home and routine, instead of being hidden away in cabinets and garages. Society doesn’t only do good, but also looks good in your home.
We are offering a membership to welcome non-toxic solutions into your home, and to move towards a future without expensive, unattractive, synthetic solutions.
Our mission is to provide natural solutions to even heavy duty problems, while avoiding the premium price tag. In doing so, we can make natural products truly accessible to everyone.
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/premium-home-essentials-without-the-price-premium#/Thanks everyone, I appreciate it!