tomnardone206 wrote:Hey everyone! We did it. We made our goal after 11 days. I'm pretty excited. I can share what we did if you like. I can also share some dashboard information.
1. Before the launch we built a Facebook page and a website. The website also included a redirect URL to track the response to our press releases and stuff like that using Google analytics. Cost: $30 and about 4 hours worth of time.
2. We started advertising the Facebook page to get likes. Cost: $22. At launch we had 280 likes of which 250 were my friends and the 30 cost us $22.
3. At launch we did a press release and used, $49 (zero inquiries from reporters, but the release was posted on a bunch of sites). The report they sent looked great, but I can attribute it to any sales or even any traffic.
4. We joined, TheGadgetFlow, and KickBooster: So far: BackerClub has produced $840 (cost to us $379), The Gadget Flow $96, and Kickbooster $79.
5. We have sent people from Facebook directly to our Kickstarter page using Facebook ads. Spent: $98, revenue $142
6. I told my friends about it and many of them shared it: Cost: $0, revenue: $880.
7. Posted here and on Reddit (I like Reddit): Cost $0, $0, Clicks: 97, 8, Revenue $0, $0
8. Posted on Linked In: Cost $0, Clicks (only 6), Revenue: $1, Twitter: 9 clicks, $0, Pinterest 6 clicks, $0
9. I paid some Fiverr bloggers $5 each to post our press release on their blogs: Cost $30, Clicks: 20, Revenue $0
10. I paid someone on Fiverr to tweet it to 50,000 fitness followers: Cost $5, Clicks: 9
11. Being on Kickstarter resulted in a few sales from people that are looking through Kickstarter: About $550 worth.
That's it folks. So, my advice from the results so far would be that might be worth the money. Having a lot of friends helps too, but I can't say that any single thing has done exceptionally well for us.
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