"Winter is coming". Knitted products from brand "Damico"
  • Andrey
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    "Winter is coming". Knitted products from brand "Damico"

    by Andrey » Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:11 pm

    Hello everybody! Four days ago we launched a campaign on Kickstarter for knitted products. The company did not start so well as we would like, ask all may have some ideas to promote the company. In advance thanks for all the feedback.
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/10 ... nav_search

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    Re: "Winter is coming". Knitted products from brand "Damico"

    by giftsandcoupons » Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:26 am

    Hi Andrey,

    Seems no one gave you their feedback, so I thought I'd give mine!

    Firstly, the clothing wear on your page looks really, really nice. I like this style of clothing and you're also marketing it at the right time.

    I'm not sure if you've heard of Beardhead before (We used to work with them on their promotion) and Mooks clothing, which I remember seeing in Australia..your products look like that sort of style.

    Couple of questions, which may put people off from backing you:
    - Why are the models naked? I know it's to focus on the clothing/hats themselves but also it's a little off putting and people's concentration isn't probably on your hats!
    - You've got alot of products on one page. It might of been better to split them up into seperate campaigns. I'm not sure, perhaps they work well on one page but you need to clearly define the tiers.
    - Have you won any awards for your designs? Any famous people have worn them? Photos
    - Your campaign page doesn't have much text, it's like 90% photos. It doesn't work, you really need to have mostly text and photos afterwards.

    I can see you've spent alot of time on your work, but is there anyone promoting you? Any sites/bloggers you've contacted? I think this is the key issue and you need to come in with an "angle" as to what makes you different. It could be the unique style, comfortable, the price....

    If you need further help on this campaign, feel free to send me a message :) Good luck with it!
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    Re: "Winter is coming". Knitted products from brand "Damico"

    by Cristina » Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:02 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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  • MWGaming
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    Re: "Winter is coming". Knitted products from brand "Damico"

    by MWGaming » Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:43 pm

    Hi there, looks like a very cute idea! I'm just wondering if you might do better by lowering your donation starting points $35 is quite a lot when many people only plan on donating around $10. just a thought.

    Wishing you best of luck! Your video is very impressive!

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