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What is your dream and why?
  • CecileKhalifa
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by CecileKhalifa » Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:22 pm

    So, I'm Cécile, just new here, and I wanted to speak about the dream I fulfill.
    I created a manga on the geisha in 2008 and I develop it since this period.
    I'm holding right now a kickstarter campaign in order to publish a beautiful artbook encyclopedia on the Anciant Japan and the Geisha who are my favourite persons in Japan.
    I'm trying to say to the world, with my modest level that Geisha are artists.
    I just began my kickstarter and I hope that my dream will come true!

    I'm glad to be here!


    Katana of Gion Artbook Encyclopedia: ... ok-project
  • Dr.FrankenPepper
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by Dr.FrankenPepper » Thu Nov 03, 2016 5:00 pm

    My Dream is to escape poverty. Perhaps own my own affordable housing and do that while working full time job.
    The kinda normal day to day stuff people over look. I like food so I grow my own. If I had dream my dream would be too see if my goal can be funded. JUST $50.oo maybe some one from the staff might like to help out. :D


  • orfeo
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by orfeo » Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:55 am

    My company is about to launch Orfeo Voice which places a mic inside of your ear.
    So a person you are talking to hears your voice instead of the noise around you.
    We have worked so hard for this project and therefore my dream would be the success of this product on Kickstarter.
    We believe that if it succeed at kickstarter it reflects the market.
    For the goals, before we launch our product soon, I would like to get any feedbacks about my product or videos.
    Check us out on fb (orfeo soundworks) or
  • alaughlin32
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by alaughlin32 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:20 am

    My dream, (As well as my partners) Is to influence and inspire all those people who are on the fence about pursuing their dreams and starting up their own businesses! Almost everyone is in the market for business ideas and why work the rest of your life for someone else (not that their is anything wrong with that) when you can be your own boss and follow your passion!
  • JaneGalt
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by JaneGalt » Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:00 pm

    My dream is to create something that makes people's lives better, even if it's just in a small way.

    Also, I want to help my family members who are less fortunate than most. I really want to achieve both of these goals.

    I have always wanted to work for myself, I can remember at age 7 turning my room into a "fix it shop" and trying to get family members to bring me their broken items to be fixed.

    My Kickstarter is called the Can Corrector, and it solves a problem that has been irritating me for years - the way a step on trash can pushes up against the wall whenever you open it. Sounds small, but VERY irritating to me, and I hope, to others.
  • RaccoonMadness
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by RaccoonMadness » Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:23 pm

    Hello My name is Serg,

    I have a dream of living in place where gender, color or creed have no impact on what you do, who you want to be and what your dreams are.

    I want all of us to realize that we are citizens of the Earth before each individual country.

    More or less this!

    On personal note, i would like to matter, like all of US!
  • elementalf
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by elementalf » Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:07 am


    I've always wanted to be a Game Creator. Companies like Blizzard and Square have had great impacts on my early life. I was always a gamer but always looked beyond the games too. What I mean is a lot of players just play the game but few question why something was done a certain way. The world of Mobile Gaming raises those questions more than many. Most of them are cash grabs (have limited play time). A lot have potential but never develop it after they figure out their formula works. I'm not driven by greed but my passion to bring enjoyable games to everyone. Yes I do want to make money from my project but only so I can focus on it and drive it to great success. I hope to give back to the players as they support me by driving more content that they want back into the game. I want to create a community of players that not only play but guide the game. I want to make a company that serves the players with what they want and really listens to what they say.

  • VictoriaAngelique
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by VictoriaAngelique » Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:51 pm

    My dream is to become a screenwriter and director. Right now I work free-lance and get many books in the mail from authors trying to get screenplays written for their novels before they try to sell their books. This way they work closely with me to make sure the screenplay is true to their original story. I don't get paid a lot for these services, but it's a step in the right direction. Plus I'll never be a person to turn down a good book.

    After being told I'm overqualified for many film production jobs, I've decided to try to make it on my own. I have launched a campaign on Kickstarter to fund a short film that will be distributed to multiple film festivals. I also am currently working on scripts for original feature films along with those for adaptation that I am being paid to work on.
  • ByReenaRae
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by ByReenaRae » Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:30 am

    I've read through majority of the dreams on here and they are insanely inspiring knowing that there are people who truly want to make a positive difference in the world.

    I've always dreamt of just creating. Inventions, artwork, crafts, furniture, clothing, jewelry, everything and anything!
    It's so hard to live the life of an artist, and putting your work out there for people to see is nerve wracking.

    But here it goes...for the dream:

    Please check out my very first Kickstarter project at ... -postcards
  • karatewolfpunk
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by karatewolfpunk » Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:25 pm

    For myself, my dream is to support myself off of passive income. That way, I can really devote my time to what I love doing - writing, reading, volunteering, etc.

    While I am already doing something I love (writing), I'd like to do it without the pressure of, "You need to write *this much* to pay the rent," "Put that play down and write an article about something you'd rather not write about - the bills don't pay themselves," and so on.

    I also have my periods of lack of motivation and lethargy, which of course don't lend themselves in terms of being productive. Then I get more stressed because of that, and it pushes the cycle. I'd rather have the means to support myself when I go through these times, which can last for days, weeks, or even months.
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