What is your dream and why?
  • Simeon Geyer
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by Simeon Geyer » Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:15 pm

    I'm really inspired by everyone posting about there dreams and the overall positive attitude in this forum!

    My dream is to tell relevant stories about life and people we would normally not see on the big screen. My medium of choice to tell these stories is film. I wish to have an impact on the world and people around me for the better. But this does not only stop at making films but I really want to use my talents and gifts to support others in what they try to accomplish.
    Therefore I often offer to shoot interviews, or videos for crowdfunding campaigns for free or on a minimum budget.

  • jokinghazard
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by jokinghazard » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:57 am

    I just wanna work on as many interesting projects as possible. So far I've worked on a feature and a bunch of short films. I'll be directing one soon too, so maybe that'll be something I do frequently.
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... 6/striker/

    Striker, a murder/mystery/crime thriller, Kickstarter ends on April 6th! "49%" funded (basically %50) with 15 days to go, right on track!
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by sbriggman » Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:46 pm

    @rthomas200 - "My dream is to inspire young people about business."

    Let me know if I can help with this in some way. I'm also interested in inspiring kids about business and entrepreneurship!
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • BoxNSeek
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by BoxNSeek » Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:36 pm

    I want to be remembered!

    I've always been a gamer and ever since landing my fist job as a games tester there was nothing I wanted more than to be a part of the game development process and receive recognition for it. It starts off exciting but you will see that further down the line your name won't be included in the credits or you were missed off the email about your name in the credits and its too late to add you in etc... Even still, no one knew I had been a part of the process and certainly could not put a face to the name.

    That is why I am starting my own mobile games company so I can leave a legacy behind and be remembered for bringing fun to fans, even if it was for an hour.
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by darkjorik » Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:12 pm

    I want to be a astronaut. Like Gagarin.
    Visit space station and get out to free space.
    In 21 century I can do it for money. Needs something between 30-50 million dollars.
    Space programs interesting for me.
  • Roy Havenstone
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by Roy Havenstone » Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:07 pm

    I have a lot of dreams:

    - Being a full-time voice actor, as it's always been a passion of mine to both do funny voices and act.

    - Helping to solve the energy problem, as I've been concerned about the environment for a veyr long time.

    - Creating a game that pays homage to old tactics games like Shining Force and Fire Emblem, that also pays homage graphically to Game Boy Color games that pushed the hardware to its limits [Pokemon Crystal, Shantae, Donkey Kong Land, etc.], as that would combine my most nostalgic gaming memories into one game.
  • ninetailfawks
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by ninetailfawks » Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:06 am

    JPTAC wrote:That is quite a loaded question! But I understand the thought behind it….we want to share our dreams and inspire others. I think that is a good way to put positive energy out there and to push someone that might be struggling. I'm sure we all are in some way…but I digress

    For my dream I have always wanted to own my own business. Truly since I was very young I have always been trying to find my way to achieve that dream; but I understand now that I have had some life experience out there in the world that it's not just about owning a business. At this stage in my life it is about achieving so much more that just that. My business now has to:

    1.) Make me feel good about the products that I create
    2.) Give me freedom of expression
    3.) Make me feel like I am happy when I wake up that I do what I do for a living
    4.) Make products that make other people happy (which in turn makes me happy)
    5.) Produce something that will help myself and others
    6.) Pays the bills and put food on the table for my family
    7.) Gives me a challenge but doesn't add too much stress
    8.) Allows me to work with people like me that I can relate to

    So that sort of feeds into why I am on Kickstarter at the moment. It's just such a great platform with such a good community behind it. I currently work in finance but I'm looking to make a lasting change. I can't wait to share my ideas and there is no better feeling knowing that others out there find joy in using the end product that represents those ideas. Thanks for anyone that took the time to read this!

    this dream is very beautiful, I want to save it when I feel lost and don't know what I want, it is very positive and uplifting! thanks for sharing!
  • garrettmartin
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by garrettmartin » Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:07 pm

    My dream is to travel the world and to inspire others to do exactly the same.

    Not enough people are truly experiencing everything this world has to offer and all the beauty that is out there. I want to inspire people to travel and remind them how much it can do for them.

    My first Kickstarter campaign is aimed to do exactly that: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/11 ... -adventure
  • erikahanna
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by erikahanna » Sun May 22, 2016 5:02 pm

    I have many dreams too. But I will start with the one I am working on now....

    For as long as I can remember, my great grandmother and I would create and make things (primarily clothes) all throughout my childhood. It was in my blood since I was born and I never knew I had been working on my future subconsciously my whole life... I'm not sure if I would consider myself a fashion designer but that's what I've always done, made clothes, accessories and art. For as long as I can remember, I was creating mood boards not even knowing what they were for.. With things like POSITIVITY, THE SUN, FASHION CATALOGS I LIVED FOR, SCHOOLS I WANTED TO GO TO, PLACED I WANTED TO SEE, THINGS I WANTED TO HAVE WHEN I GOT OLDER, THINGS I WANTED TO ACCOMPLISH... It's crazy to think back on life and really reflect that every move, every step, every outcome (even those ones you didn't understand at the time) happens for a reason. The Universe is here guiding you through the right way and you need to trust it..

    I have many dreams I'd love (and will) accomplish but my biggest dream is to have my own fashion brand while helping people along the way. I'm working on launching a Kickstarter project for my fashion brand JAEST (www.jaeststudios.com)
    on June 14th. I've been working on JAEST for two years now while working two other jobs to make it happen thus far. I might only be 22-years old but I know what I want and I've always known what I wanted. I've sacrificed many things to make JAEST happen up to now and I would never trade any situation (even the rough ones) I was put in because I am here for a reason... I launched a Kickstarter project for it in April and quickly knew I was not going to make my goal. But I was not going to give up there... I've been researching, talking, asking people/creators about Kickstarter to really figure out how I can succeed.. If you want, check out my preview link here! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ja ... n=6b12aa68

    I loved reading about your dreams and wish you nothing but the best throughout your journey! Remember to never give up and never surrender. Do not settle. We all can do whatever we set our mind to do :D
  • party
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    Re: What is your dream and why?

    by party » Tue May 24, 2016 8:25 pm

    Well, I wish we live in a world that all the energy usage is transparent to the users, and the intelligent system can help us automatically manage the energy usage. That's why I'm so passionate about our KnittBar project.

    Welcome to our Kickstarter page and please let us know if you have any comments: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/73 ... n=6cb21755

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