Hi Everyone!
I produce marketing, Sales, and tutorial videos. I worked for an audio company for a number of years producing all of their video content. Last November I left and started my own company producing marketing, sales, and tutorial videos. Luckily the company I worked for is now a client!
Just recently I did a few KickStarter videos for friends and family, and this was a fun change of pace for me.
Here is the latest one I did for my friend Linda who created the "Amazigh Pillow Clutch" It's a cool idea she had to have a clutch (purse) that turns into a pillow.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/20 ... nav_searchThis is another video I did for my Cousin's Kickstarter that was funded and extremely successful!
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jl ... nav_searchNow that I have started my own business, my mind is starting to open up again and I have been formulating some of my own ideas for projects to work on as well... not to mention I already love what I do every day now.