by quadzool » Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:58 pm
I started a Kickstarter in Sept. while working a 4-12 hour day labor job, and quickly realized my campaign wasn't going to succeed. I didn't have the time or energy during those 4 days to do much outside of work, and I had set too high a goal. I let that campaign run it's course, during which time my Mom took ill, so I quit my job. She passed away shortly after, and I haven't been able to return to work since I care for my Dad now.
I started up virtually the same campaign after the first ended, with a lower goal, and it's running pretty smooth, so far.
I'd say my passion- though I'm not always actively pursuing it- would be too create a position where I can help others who are struggling. To have endeavors which would enhance my ability to give. I've spent the last 14 years on-and-off the streets, and I've benefitted greatly from people who give for the simple reason that it's in everybody's self-interest to share with others; what you can, when you can.