Hi everyone!
What is your day job:
My day job is actually being a student! I am currently a high school senior and am going to be headed to college soon! Hopefully one day, my day job will be a doctor and/or teacher in a slum somewhere in a third-world country.
What is your passion project:
My passion project is missions. I am head over heels in love with a man named Jesus, and the best way that I feel that I can share His relentless love for the world is to share His Word with people who have not been able to hear it. If you are not religious and you are reading this and feel somewhat disgruntled, I apologize! I do not mean to shove my beliefs in your face, but rather, I want to present it openly and humbly.
Anyways, I would greatly appreciate any help with my crowdfunding campaign!
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/brin ... 08074#homeThank you!