What do you think of my FAQs?
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    Betta Games
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    What do you think of my FAQs?

    by Betta Games » Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:06 pm

    On My current campaign I have some FAQs that I think are both helpful and chuckle worthy. However others might not share my sense of humor. Sense none of my current backers have mentioned it, I don't know whether my FAQ section is a plus or a negative for them. This is what I was hoping you guys could help me out with. I have copied and pasted my FAQs to this topic post and would like your input on them. Are they helpful? Are they informative? Funny? Annoying? Plus or Minus?

    Incase you want the context of the campaign, I'll leave a link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/84 ... nav_search

    Q. If 25 people ask for poems about going to the bathroom, will they all get the same bathroom poem?
    A.No. Just as each person and each excremate is different, so the poems will be. I will dig deep down inside myself and find the beauty, horror, hilarity, and romance of going to the bathroom...and I will do it 25 times.

    Q. What defines SFW? (Safe For Work)
    A. I’m keeping it PG-13. If you have a specific topic you would like to run by me you may ask me in the comment section or email your question to me at bettagameshq@gmail.com

    Q. When/how do I submit my poem topic?
    A. At the end of the kickstarter everyone will be sent a form asking for their topic, address,etc. In the meantime, you are welcome to brainstorm in the comment section

    Q. Why are you doing this?
    A. I personally want to test myself. I want to be pushed to be unique and flexible while creating something that people can enjoy and participate in. I want to exercise my creative muscles so that they can become stronger.
    Also because I have a fair amount of free time.
    It may also be derived from a need to please people that stems from me being the middle child amongst confrontational siblings and worn down parents……..or maybe I’m just bored

    Q.What’s the meaning of life?
    A.To live

    Q. Which came first the chicken or the egg?
    A. Oddly enough, the Giraffe

    Q Who?
    A. The Special.

    Q. What?
    A. Poems….mostly.

    Q. When?
    A. “A long time ago...

    Q. Where?
    A. in a galaxy far, far away…..”

    Q. Why?
    A. Why not?

    Q. How?
    A. Google it.

    Q. Where do babies come from?

    Q. Why is your FAQ section filled with questions that have nothing to do with the kickstarter?
    A. Because I’m an Odd Duck.

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