Uncommon Place Ceramics: Japanes Ceramics & Nature
  • Sidrak
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    Uncommon Place Ceramics: Japanes Ceramics & Nature

    by Sidrak » Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:15 pm

    Hi Everyone,

    I just started my first Kickstarter campaign to help out with the expenses of building a ceramic studio.

    My ceramic work is a combination of influences from the natural world & Asian ceramics. As a kid growing up in small town white America, it was hard for me to identify with my Japanese heritage. Both of my Canadian-Japanese grandparents were put into internment camps during WWII and lost everything. Their family farm, their home, and any possessions they couldn't take with them on the move. Even when you don't understand your family history as a child, it still impacts you in ways you might not fully realize till your an adult.

    College life at Virginia Tech with a large international population really helped me come to gripes with who I am, who my family is, and strength to embrace both.

    Since then I have been working my Japanese heritage into my ceramics. I went on from Virginia Tech, to graduate from Radford University with a double MFA in Ceramics and Watercolor. To this day I'm striving to incorporate my values of nature, life, and the beauty of Japanese aesthetics.

    Please take 5 minutes and check out my project. ^.^


    You can also see more of my work on my artists Facebook account at:


    Thank you and looking forward to sharing my world with you.

    Sidra Kaluszka <3
    :) I was just published in &quot;500 Teapots Vol. 2&quot;
    :) I was just published in "500 Teapots Vol. 2"
    500 teapots smaller.jpg (128.55 KiB) Viewed 337 times

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    Re: Uncommon Place Ceramics: Japanes Ceramics & Nature

    by sbriggman » Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:02 pm

    Some beautiful pieces in your video. Personally, I would set ceramics as your rewards rather than post cards and include yourself in the video! Seems like you've already raised 25% of your goal, so you are managing to attract interest :). Just my thoughts.
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.

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