Today is the DAY! The Convertible Leash System is officially LIVE on Kickstarter! are very excited to be launching, fingers crossed for a successful campaign!
Your support and advice until now has been very much appreciated, and we would love for your continued support as our campaign carries on!
As I was getting closer to my launch date, it occurred to me that it might make sense if my friends and family knew how Kickstarter I created a little graphic flow chart showing how crowdfunding works.
Ive been using it the past few days to help tell people about Kickstarter and it really helped people understand!
I would like to offer the graphic for you to use to help not only promote Kickstarter, but YOUR campaigns as well!
Feel free to download and share it however you want!
If you would like a clean un-branded version, please PM me and i will email it to you.
But a share, shoutout, or donation to our project would definitely be appreciated!
Please wish us luck!