"The American Train" - a documentary - Can we make it!
  • DemetriusVilla
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    "The American Train" - a documentary - Can we make it!

    by DemetriusVilla » Fri May 02, 2014 3:37 am

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ocumentary

    Should I have posted this A LOT SOONER or what? The benefits of school finals, projects and work. :oops:

    However - my name is Demetrius, I am a student at Florida International University (FIU) and president of the High Speed Rail America Club. I'm sure most of you have wondered what America could be like if it had high speed rail systems like Britain, Japan, France, South Korea and Germany. This is what my documentary is going to show.

    It will highlight the past, present and future of American rail travel, while following me and my brother on a train from Miami to NYC. The reason why my family takes the train so often is because my brother has autism and has an intense fear of flying. The train ride nearly takes 31 hours on Amtrak. The film will take place on the train, Miami and New York City.

    The film if successful will be shown to a large audience in FIU (over 50,000 students) and spark the debate in the US on fixing the infrastructure 50 years behind in the past.
    The funding will be used mainly for buying the equipment (our gear at the moment is borrowed and not allowed to leave campus) as well as use the equipment for further videos for advocating for high speed rail. The rest will go into promoting it around campus and Miami.
    Please tell me your thoughts, comments and concerns and feel free to pledge to it as well if possible. I thank you for your time.

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    Re: "The American Train" - a documentary - Can we make it!

    by sbriggman » Fri May 02, 2014 6:24 pm

    24 hours to go! Do you think you will meet your goal? Interesting project. Are you going to incorporate Elon Musk's "Hyperloop" idea at all?
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
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    Re: "The American Train" - a documentary - Can we make it!

    by RainbowStalin » Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:37 pm

    I was at the Tokyo six months ago and I can tell you that the trains in the Japan are something incredible! Now I'm just dreaming about something like this will be made in Chicago. You're right about what's happening to the U.S. infrastructure right now. The problem is that we have everything what we need to make it work better, but it seems that nobody really cares about it. I'm in the train business myself. Not so long ago, we have found good German telescopic rails (or as they call it but we can't have any dotations from the government for buying it. Maybe after your film it will change.
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    Re: "The American Train" - a documentary - Can we make it!

    by Cristina » Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:33 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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