Teen Author's Kickstarter over 72%
  • Mr. YouthWriter
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    Teen Author's Kickstarter over 72%

    by Mr. YouthWriter » Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:57 pm

    Hey everyone,

    Yes, it's me! If you don't know me, that's okay, you soon will. That sounded ominous...I'm okay with that. This is an update on my Kickstarter campaign. I'm a 17 year old author with my first novel, an action/fantasy masterpiece (humility? I've never heard of it) entitled "Legend Land" on Kickstarter. And I'm over 72% funded! Woohoo! Celebrate!

    Actually, let's not celebrate yet. Yes, 72% is amazing, but what's even more amazing? 100%. That's the goal right? To completely fund your project? I've been doing my best to get the word out there; emailing bloggers, podcasters, YouTubers and anyone else who might be able to help. Any help you all can give is much appreciated; I'm entirely open to share for shares, shout outs, interviews, guest posts/videos, or anything you can think of! I think I bring a unique perspective to the table, in the fact that I'm not only a 17 year old author, but I also travel full time, and I've been trying to become a full-time author since I was in the single digits. I love giving back to the literary community, and inspiring others to write themselves. Help me get to that magical 100% mark, and then let's celebrate! Alright, so anyone with any ideas to help get the word out there (or any contacts), please let me know. This has been, probably, the best update ever. Let's push this thing through everyone!

    Like books? Me too! That's why me, a 17 year old writer, successfully raised money for my first book on Kickstarter. Go ahead and check out the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arkstorm/legend-land-a-novel-by-noah-barfield
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    Re: Teen Author's Kickstarter over 72%

    by Cristina » Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:10 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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