Struggling for backers
  • BoxNSeek
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    Struggling for backers

    by BoxNSeek » Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:16 am

    This is our Kickstarter campaign:

    We are very new to this and are really struggling to get any type of support. We have run Twitter/Facebook campaigns trying to raise some awareness of Box N Seek (iOS game), posted in forums and it seems we are not even getting sniffed at.

    We are in love with our game, the art work has its own style, the gameplay is coming together nicely and it (to our knowledge) is the only type of game soon to be out in the app store of its kind.

    Can someone please give us some advice on how to advance forward and what we are doing wrong?

    Thank you.

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    Re: Struggling for backers

    by therriaultk » Sun Mar 27, 2016 1:07 am

    Hi Box N Seek team!

    I checked out your Kickstarter campaign and I have a some thoughts. The game looks very cute. I'm assuming its free to play and you can pay for coins and outfits? I felt like the video could have shown how levels were different, it might be early in your development but they looked very similar to me.

    I also noticed that your Twitter account is pretty new and doesn't have many followers. Your images and Twitter posts were interesting, but you should probably work on adding more people in your industry and share interesting content to grow your account.

    Your goal is pretty low, so that's a good thing. If you haven't already, maybe email friends and family and ask them to contribute a small amount to help you get the ball rolling? Once people see others are pledging to your campaign they might be more likely to do it too!

    Your rewards look good, but one thing I noticed that a lot of apps offer is Beta (early access) for backers. Have you thought of doing something along those lines?

    Hope some of this helps! Good luck with the next two weeks. :)
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    Re: Struggling for backers

    by BoxNSeek » Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:35 pm

    Thank you for the reply therriaultk,

    This has helped :D we got a small bit of funding from friends which makes the campaign look slightly better and makes us feel better. We will definitely push to friends and family to get the campaign rolling. Hopefully with this happening we will also try emailing Kickstarter to get featured in one of the categories.

    Thank you about the comments on the game, we did aim for a cute/fun look so we could appeal to more of an audience. I totally agree with the levels looking the same and like you said we are still in development and will be showcasing the levels more clearly when we can.

    The Twitter account is the one thing we are desperate to expand. We are posting as much as we can and sometimes small paid campaigns but it is taking a long time to get the following :( We would also like to do beta testing but it would be very hard to orchestrate a mass multiplayer game, so we had to stop that idea. Who knows we might open it up...

    We have been hearing a lot of talk about Headtalker, maybe we could try that out see if it gets some talk about Box N Seek going on?
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    Re: Struggling for backers

    by Cristina » Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:56 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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    Betta Games
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    Re: Struggling for backers

    by Betta Games » Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:29 pm

    Here's my quick analysis.
    - You have a great product
    - You have put a lot of time and work into this product
    - You have a very good project page
    - Your biggest obstacle is the most annoying...time. You have buckets of creativity and energy from what I can tell but you only started marketing the game on social media recently. Gaining the audience you need simply takes time...or a good sized marketing budget.

    Pieces of quick advice.
    - Look into, technology based projects seem really popular in their network
    - Look into European crowd funding platforms
    - Continue as you are but prepare for a re-launch
    - Look up jamey stegmair and read his book. You can't imagine how helpful it will be.

    I really do think you have a great product and I like your campaign all you need is to be patient and take the time to get the word out, do some research, and learn from your mistakes. I am fully confident that you can do this.
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    Re: Struggling for backers

    by hyperstarter » Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:32 am

    Great advice from Betta games there, you seem to know what you're talking about and the contact points are well known.

    - Could we get in touch as I'd like to show you a post...
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    Re: Struggling for backers

    by sbriggman » Wed May 04, 2016 7:13 pm

    Thanks for the great advice @betta games
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
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