How do I transform the Squatch Kick site into the equivalent of a network on the fly for individual project creators?
I think, short of having tons of traffic to your site, and featuring kickstarter projects that are really great, yet without much reach due to lack of network, there isn't a way to specifically helping everyone. Unless there was a way for a person to look through one project which may be known and a connection with other projects (like a projects you may also like, or blah blah who backed this project also backed this project) type link. That's more of getting projects know as opposed to creating a network.
And what about them makes them great to read? How does an article about somebody else's project help you or some other project creator, though?
Gives insight into what appeals in a project. Plus I enjoy reading about other people's creations even if it doesn't necessarily help directly.
There are lots of people with crowd funding projects, and my focus for the Squatch kick site has been on Kickstarter projects. Yet, how should the site showcase various projects? How many is a realistic number to showcase, and do I preserve the projects that have had an image link on the Squatch Kick site, for example? Or would that even matter, over the long run?
Should I spotlight only projects that I like and am attracted to? What about projects that have no "squatch?" Do I ignore those projects? Should it be only a showcase of the best sites? Or the best pieces of any site? Even still, what about the projects that have little to nothing going for them? Sure, I could do a Squatch Attack on them, but how would that get initiated? By me? By project creators that contact me?
You're a project creator - What do you need? What did you need, when you first created your project? How does the Squatch Kick site make it easier for new project creators to find whatever info that I put up on the site?
As far as the info that does make it on the site, what is the best way to compile it, to make it easier for project creators? How do I make it easier for project creators to find the info that they need?
Your site design is looking good. Everything is quite easy to access. As for which sites to showcase, that's completely up to you. In the end it's your site, if you did specialise in a particular area or your interests it may be more fulfilling for yourself and you would have a focal point. Covering the whole of kickstarter is a big task!
Great stuff