Some words of encouragement for all you entrepreneurs
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    Some words of encouragement for all you entrepreneurs

    by canplan » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:17 pm

    "Don't believe an entrepreneur or startup hire who says she doesn't have OCD. We are obsessive. We are compulsive. We are disordered.
    Sometimes we fall into it, sometimes we pursue it, but we always find our purpose in why we build. And when that purpose can be articulated, people cannot help but stop and stare.
    Some hoping to find salvation and catharsis in our success, some embittered by their own chapters watch with the dark hope of seeing us fail.
    But it doesn't matter.
    Because we are creators; the obsession of impact drives us to build as badly as an addict is driven to their drugs. It's not something fathomable to non-artists, non-creators. There is no explaining of the madness inside. There is no rehab.
    We all have OCD.
    We obsess about the impact our products are making. I'm not talking about being anal retentive or detail-oriented. I'm talking about the obsession of the insane. Dreams and nightmares both asleep and awake. Our shadow is further from us than what we're building - our art.
    We can't not build. We can't not talk about what we are building and not cut you off even though we asked you about your day. The compulsion is a pull. It's like food to man who hasn't seen food in 30 days. It's never enough. There is no limit to compulsion. There is no satiation. We feel our spirit die when we can't build, every second, at work, and in our heads, and in our dreams.
    We don't envision ourselves as the next Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. We are exactly ourselves and our purpose is always our madness. They had/have their own purposes. And we have ours.
    That's what we mean when we say 'it's not work'. This is our life. Creating art is what makes the artist an artist. Not the end result, not the sale. It's not in her being - it IS her being.
    We can't stop. Don't tell us to relax. Don't you get it? This is what we live for. This is what we'll die for. And it's a life well-lived. A life full, so very full, of life.
    Entrepreneurship - what does that even mean? We struggle with the word. Don't you mean, creator, builder, romantic? Because we are all romantics. We believe in things that don't yet exist.
    We believe these ideas can change the world.
    We believe we can build it.
    Here's to the crazy ones." -KC


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    Re: Some words of encouragement for all you entrepreneurs

    by hyperstarter » Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:50 pm

    I agree, I think we all have some form of OCD in different ways not to trivialise it...Mine personally, is needing to finish a task once I started it. So could mean missing food/sleep in order to get something completed. Plus I'm easily distracted and my focus involves writing down what I need to do in the morning and tick it off when each task is completed, otherwise I won't be able to complete things ;/
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    Re: Some words of encouragement for all you entrepreneurs

    by Cristina » Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:44 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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