Seeking feedback for upcoming Polimind Papercraft campaign &
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    Seeking feedback for upcoming Polimind Papercraft campaign &

    by dusancv » Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:54 pm

    Polimind is a creative startup based in Lisbon, Portugal. We are creating unique DIY papercraft kits that one gets to assemble from pre-cut and pre-creased paper pieces similar to puzzles, but this time in 3D. Polimind's main purpose is to introduce new approach to home decoration that is elegant but fun and intriguing at the same time.

    You can check out our creations very quickly on our Instagram

    Currently we are in the pre-launch stage (launch is on March 15th) and you can check our our Indiegogo Campaign Draft Page Here

    I would kindly ask for feedback on our campaign draft page.
    1. I would like to hear from you if the project is clear enough? Do you think there are some parts that should be clarified further?
    2. What would be your initial FAQ for this type of project?
    3. Do you think there should be 'more images' for some models?
    Any additional comments, questions or feedback are welcome.

    As far as our pre-launch strategies, we presented our project online in late December and started gathering leads through our own landing page. Our main focus was Instagram audience since Facebook seemed to expensive with their 'limited reach' algorithms. We gathered around 5.5k followers until now on Instagram and have a lot of positive feedback from the crowd. I would like to recommend Nathan Chan's course 'Instagram Domination' for anyone who wants to jump-start their brands from zero.

    Now, as far as further promotion goes, we are using a tool called Thunderclap that allows you to 'schedule' a massive share on fb or tweet in advance that will activate automatically from all people's accounts who supported it at the scheduled time (start of your campaign). You can check out here to see how it looks live on our campaign.

    As far as FB ads go, we have been using Facebook Lead ads to get potential interested backers. We are getting around $1 per lead which is quite good I think. If you're interested in learning more about these type of ads, I recommend listening to Ed Dale's podcast episode here. It is really working well for us, you just need to offer some good incentive in the add itself.

    Lastly, you probably heard of epic Harry's razors campaign and their epic pre-launch strategy that got them 100k emails in one week. More about it on Tim Ferriss' blog post here. We wanted to try the same approach with 'viral contest' and so far it's been great. We gathered 200 leads in just two days and growing.This is how our live contest page looks like in case you want to check it out. The best part of all is that we didn't have to manually install Harry's open-source code. There is already made solution that comes from KickoffLabs company! My recommendations for them as well.

    If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask. I'll be happy to share all the info I got so far.

    Thanks in advance for your feedback!

    Polimind Papercraft Pre-Launch Contest
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    Re: Seeking feedback for upcoming Polimind Papercraft campai

    by hyperstarter » Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:46 pm

    Hi Dusan,

    Great upcoming campaign (Reminds me a bit of the Koguma 3D animal campaign I worked on via Kickstarter) and looks like you did your research.

    I would say half the links Tim gave out in his post doesn't work and in order to collect 100k emails they gave something for free, but the way they set it up sounds right.

    Thunderclap (and Prefundia) are good ways of getting the word out there.

    Kickofflabs look to be pretty good, I've seen others recommend them too.

    Finally for FB, I think $1 per lead is a huge amount! I knew a campaign owner who collect 30k leads from FB and didn't get a single backer from it.

    I like your campaign, can we message further?
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    Re: Seeking feedback for upcoming Polimind Papercraft campai

    by dusancv » Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:54 am

    Hi Hyperstarter,

    Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it and thanks for the heads up regarding the fb ads. I checked out The Koguma 3D campaign. The design aspect is similar to ours. Yes, sure, I'll send you a message.
    Polimind Papercraft Pre-Launch Contest
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    Re: Seeking feedback for upcoming Polimind Papercraft campai

    by Cristina » Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:47 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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    Re: Seeking feedback for upcoming Polimind Papercraft campai

    by lowkey » Sat Mar 11, 2017 6:32 pm

    Hey there. Love your job. Just going through other section of the forum so I can take a look at how things going on.

    I stop by your topic, and clicked on your Indiegogo prelaunch link.

    I am not going to offer you any business deal nor I wanted to do your campaign for you. I know you dint ask for it anyway, but just to get it out there so you dont mistake what I am going to say next as my sales pitch.

    Bro, this is a supremely awesome product, supremely awesome presentation, and you going to hit home run with this.

    Just based on my experience, you should are good to go for at least, AT LEAST, ATTTT LEAST, $25,000.

    BUT...yeap, theres a but.

    fix your video. fix, your fucking video. dont talk. show some pictures, effect when switch pictures, cool music and let a real spokesperson speak with captions ready.

    Its very rare to see good campaign/product among my clients, and I hate to see an awesome project go to waste just because one silly video. good luck buddy. chills.
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    Re: Seeking feedback for upcoming Polimind Papercraft campai

    by dusancv » Sat Mar 11, 2017 6:55 pm

    I appreciate your honest feedback. Thanks for the compliments and suggestion about a video, we are aware that it's not the best, but our resources were limited, so we have to run with it. Cheers
    Polimind Papercraft Pre-Launch Contest
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    Re: Seeking feedback for upcoming Polimind Papercraft campai

    by lowkey » Sat Mar 11, 2017 7:43 pm

    dusancv wrote:I appreciate your honest feedback. Thanks for the compliments and suggestion about a video, we are aware that it's not the best, but our resources were limited, so we have to run with it. Cheers

    i am sending you a private message now. read them.
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    Re: Seeking feedback for upcoming Polimind Papercraft campai

    by hyperstarter » Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:00 am

    Thanks. I didn't get a message from you yet. How's the campaign coming along?
    dusancv wrote:Hi Hyperstarter,

    Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it and thanks for the heads up regarding the fb ads. I checked out The Koguma 3D campaign. The design aspect is similar to ours. Yes, sure, I'll send you a message.
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    Re: Seeking feedback for upcoming Polimind Papercraft campai

    by eMinnow » Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:54 pm

    Video's are always an issue with a start up.
    The problem is the same for us when we launch shortly.
    We do have video's, some are okay others not so okay but they do show the product working in action (motorised fishing lure).
    We don't have the resources to produce super high quality videos to replace what he have so all, if we did, I don't think we'd need to go for a Kickstarter campaign.
    David Tye
    eMinnow the worlds first robotic fishing lure! now AVAILABLE to pre-order now via:
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