sciLeash – A Hands Free Pet Leash For Wheelchairs
  • scileash
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    sciLeash – A Hands Free Pet Leash For Wheelchairs

    by scileash » Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:06 am

    Hi Everyone,
    We wanted to let everyone know that we have launched our campaign onto
    sciLeash is a hands-free pet leash attachment designed for wheelchairs. Its purpose is to give the user the ability to travel and walk their dogs outdoor while being able to stay full control of their wheelchair with both hands. We recently exhibited this product at the Abilities Expo in San Jose to introduce it to the public and disabled community, where we received a lot of positive feedback. sciLeash was first created for myself, but I soon found that it could benefit so many different people who are confined to using a wheelchair daily. These ranged from spinal cord injury and diseases to disabled veterans. The benefits of using a sciLeash is that by acting as a third arm, they wouldn’t have to hold the leash in their hand, lash it on an arm, or strap it to the wheelchair. And for those who have a service or rescue dog, it would also help them during the training process as well.

    To view to our kickstarter campaign you can go to:

    or copy & paste this link ... al-wheelch

    You can watch our kickstarter videos by going to this link.

    Please help us spread the word about sciLeash any way you can. We appreciate any help that we can get.

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