Robot painting santa cnd christmas tree
  • chris_hdrive
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    Robot painting santa cnd christmas tree

    by chris_hdrive » Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:25 pm

    I wish all of you a happy advent season:

    Please hava look at our Kickstarter, the userfirendly servo motor:


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    Re: Robot painting santa cnd christmas tree

    by hyperstarter » Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:13 am

    Hi Chris,

    It's a shame as this campaign had alot of potential but I guess it lacked publicity. The "maker" guys and Hakrr (Spell check) would of been great to connect with as they've supported campaigns like yours in the past.

    It looked a bit too "raw" for my liking, would of prefered to see videos and images of the motor being used on many places rather by itself and static.
    Promote your campaign today with Hyperstarter & use our free tool to identify Kickstarter page problems & fixes:
  • chris_hdrive
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    Re: Robot painting santa cnd christmas tree

    by chris_hdrive » Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:15 am

    Hi hyperstarter :)

    Yes, you are right. our click/backers ratio is quite good I think - we have only 3500 campaign views and 33 Backers / 7k$.
    I am curious what would happen if we would have 1 Mio. clicks as I heard from other campaigns here.

    Anyway, we have learned a lot. Our main market are the R&D guys in the industry. The motor is to expensive for the makers. Unfortunately the R&D guys seams not to be on kick starter.

    Let's see what happens in the remaining days. The product is very good and useful and I would love to share it.

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    Re: Robot painting santa cnd christmas tree

    by LeslieBShaw » Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:18 am

    btw, speaking of xmas... Merry Xmas! what are your plans for this lovely holiday?
  • DianaGibson90oXM
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    Re: Robot painting santa cnd christmas tree

    by DianaGibson90oXM » Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:22 am

    best wishes for everyone! this year I'm spending xmas next to my family, waiting with siblings to santa claus bringing them presents and hoping that I wouldn't find coal in stockings... I've even discovered an article describing the whole Santa Claus' story, origin and actually how the whole legend was formed. It was really satisfying to read since I was feeling that childhood is still here, I did also read some parts of this article to my siblings, now they are even more convinced that Santa Claus exists, lol.

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