Hey folks - I just launched a Kickstarter campaign for my "Magic ZOMBIE! Glass."
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/magiczombieglass/magic-zombie-glassIt's a mystical drinking vessel that'll turn your regular tiki cocktail into a potent voodoo potion. It's dark powers will cause the dead to appear whenever a cold beverage is poured into it!
The glass is inspired by Donn Beach, the father of tiki culture and inventor of the Zombie cocktail. However, Donn didn't serve his Zombie in a tiki mug - instead he presented his so-called "mender of broken dreams" in a tall, chimney-style glass.
The Magic ZOMBIE! Glass is an authentic replica of Donn's original glassware, and features artwork by Nik Poliwko with colors by Sveta Shubina. The glass also includes Donn's 1934 Zombie recipe (courtesy of Jeff "Beachbum" Berry, Sippin' Safari). Click here for more info: