Promoting your campaign beyond your personal circles
  • TDK
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    Promoting your campaign beyond your personal circles

    by TDK » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:41 pm

    On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 4:37 PM, David wrote:
    Hi Sal,

    Thanks so much for your amazing advice!

    True the pitch did come a bit long into it but everyone was emphasizing how vital the back story is to a campaign so wanted to make sure that was properly covered. Still, we'll do it earlier next time.

    I hadn't thought of isolating the tiers and marketing them on their own - as opposed to marketing the overall campaign.. How would you suggest doing that? I.e. if I'm sending a well known blog my campaign in the hope that they'd like it and share it with their readers, how can the tiers be marketed?

    Basically, I think its a great way to go about it but my main challenge is that I've already exhausted most of my personal network for this and the key seems to be getting the word out there beyond my circles. If I could do that, I'm sure people would like what they see. Then once I'm much closer I can push the higher tiers to my friends who will help get me over the line.

    Do you know of blogs and media outlets that would appreciate a project like this?

    One last detail, I made a mistake. There's 6 days left - not 4 so a bit more time..

    Much appreciated!


    On Jul 2, 2013, at 4:00 PM, Salvador wrote:

    Hi David,

    Thanks for reaching out. That's awesome about CBS News NY. Great video
    image quality and claymation. Did kind of wish the pitch came sooner
    than 1 minute 30 seconds.

    If I were you, with only 4 days left, I would solely focus on
    marketing the big tier rewards. You need to double your fundraising
    level in 4 days. If you double your early bird sales to date, you'd
    bring an extra 400. You can bring in an extra 600 if you fill out your
    top 3 tiers. It still wouldn't be enough (1000) and seems like a lot
    to cram into 4 days.

    I would probably focus on marketing the $75 dollar tier, which equals
    more than three of the $20 tier. If you can sell 5 of them per day and
    also fill out the top tiers, you'd be in better shape - and then drive
    the friend marketing hard for the difference in the remaining
    hours/day. Definitely a hard thing to do, but worth the price I'm


    On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 1:26 PM, David wrote:
    Hi Sal,

    I'm a young entrepreneur and recently launched my 1st Kickstarter campaign
    for a cool new product. I realize now - in the last days of my campaign how
    little I knew of what I was getting into. I thought that if I rallied the
    support of my own circles, it would optimize my campaign and get it out
    there beyond my circles to the greater public.

    However, after seeing the reality I now know that's not the case. If only I
    discovered your blog before I launched.. You're info is so helpful and
    really resonates - I just hope its not too late to turn this around.

    Regarding my product, everyone who sees the Butler, really loves it as its
    very useful, affordable and there's nothing like it out there for MEN. While
    its designed for men, what woman wouldn't want the man/men in their life to
    be more organized? So the product has wide appeal and the pledges offer it
    at a special discount. Anyone man who want to be or remain organized - or
    any woman looking for a great gift for a man, this can appeal to.

    The backstory in this campaign isn't typical either and I know some find
    that interesting too. ... -organizer

    CBS News NY just got wind of it too but they didn't mention the Kickstarter
    campaign: ... video_user

    Anyway, if you have any thoughts on what I can do to make this succeed
    before its too late, that would be so appreciated. I'm halfway there with 4
    days left..

    Thanks so much for what you do for the community!


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    Re: Promoting your campaign beyond your personal circles

    by sbriggman » Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:45 pm

    When you are mentioning your campaign or if it is being featured on a blog, ask them to specifically mention that tier and to not mention any others and frame it as a special. Crude example: Dominoes always advertises the 2 medium 2 topping pizza for 5.99 each "deal" as opposed to talking about their awesome pizza in general or listing all of their prices for small medium and large.

    Finding blogs that are a good fit for your project to pitch (or to guest post on) really just comes down to doing homework. No way to get around it. This article may help: ... our-niche/

    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.

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