Paying for App-Promotion
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    Paying for App-Promotion

    by MochShot » Sat Jan 10, 2015 8:06 pm

    Do app promotion sites really work?

    I have noticed a few sites across the Web which will promote/advertise your upcoming or newly launched app -- In my case I would be advertising a zelda inspired RPG.

    The one site, PreApps, will share your game with their followers and facebook fans however as far as I'm concerned those 'likes' and followers have came from simple facebook ads (which I explored into and found out that they are fake likes).

    Forums like these are great places to share your story but it would be beneficial to reach a larger audience faster. I know I am missing a few key sites where I can show off the game I am working on -- curious if someone would know of a few?


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    Re: Paying for App-Promotion

    by sbriggman » Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:29 pm

    I've never used one, so I'm not sure. I have heard of PreApps though before. If you decide to use them, please leave a review here.
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    Re: Paying for App-Promotion

    by MochShot » Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:42 am

    Pre-Apps Review: As of Now = Mixed Feelings

    I decided to try using PreApps. I upgraded the account to the 'Elite' package (about a week ago) which offers a lot more services compared to the standard package (standard package is just a profile page with comments allowed).

    The elite package services include promoting your app to 18K facebook fans and 12K Twitter followers. They also give access to app analytcs: number of people who viewed the profile, who likes it and who doesn't. In addition, you have access to 'beta' testers -- those who will provide feedback on the game for you once its up and running (you have the ability to notify these testers when a 'beta' file becomes available)

    I do like the idea of the beta testers. Whether these beta testers are real people is the big question to answer. I have looked at the PreApps facebook and twitter page and all I see are likes conjured from the depths of facebook ads. Likes on a page means nothing --- I spent 50.00 on facebook ads and received around 1900 likes from India (when I catered the audience to North America and user engagement, not likes).

    From what I have seen, the app analytics are just something for the app developer to feel better about themselves. Its always nice when you see a larger number of views on your page the next day --- number of views is great on a page but I have yet to see any user engagement from any of these types of services.

    It is 199.99 for the elite package -- what's odd is that it is an annual purchase for services that most likely are only done once (fb promotion and twitter promotion). I am not going to make the assumption that is was 200 dollars well wasted just yet, I still have hopes for the beta tester services.

    If anything, PreApps would be a great place to redirect your followers too -- that way you can find the few core individuals who really love your app. I'll post an update in a few days.

    Hope this helps others in their decision making. My advice is to do your research (obviously... but don't think you can cut corners).

    Azmara coming soon! [incomplete]

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