Ordinary Heroes Comic: Help us finish this Kickstarter!
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    Ordinary Heroes Comic: Help us finish this Kickstarter!

    by OrdinaryHeroes » Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:30 pm

    Hello everyone at the Kickstarter Forum. Short time lurker (a few months now), first time poster. :D

    Oh how to make a long story short. For starters, the link I will be posting is the beta preview to our Kickstarter campaign, so looking for any sort of feedback, questions, or recommendations before we attempt to go live with it.
    Here is that link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ordinaryheroes/1589178823?token=5bf0822a


    Pretty much everything you would want to know is on that page, but to lay it out a bit here. A friend and I have designed a comic, set in the real world with regular "Ordinary" people, no super powers. etc. Mostly inspired by watching Mystery Men back in the day, but sort of in the same vain as something like Kick-Ass. Just 3 Ordinary guys that are sort of thrust into fighting crime.

    There are a few things that make this rather special and unique, the first of those being the art style. Due to this being a project we have wanted to do for years now, and having little "quality" comic book artistry capabilities ourselves, and not enough money to afford paying an actual artist to do the comic, we went with a pretty radical approach. Instead of inking the panels to the comic book, we are live acting them out and taking pictures, and then going back afterwards and post-processing them in Photoshop with effects to make them look like a modern day comic. Every single panel has to be live acted out, with things like characters involved, wardrobe, location, time of day, etc. as factors just like shooting a movie would be. And believe that it's a fair amount of work given that the first issue alone has 121 panels, not including any sort of promotional shots and the like.

    Another rather unique thing for the comic is the sort of catalyst for the group. The story revolves around two ordinary guys and their daily lives. Things because less than ordinary when they discover that their wheelchair bound paraplegic neighbor Ken is out fighting crime as a masked (and quite possibly insane) vigilante. Did we mention he's doing all of this on his feet?

    A final bit of uniqueness to this project is the extras we are putting into the Kickstarter besides just the comic. The two creators of the comic, originally coming together as musicians, we went ahead and wrote a nice hard rock theme song for the comic, to be included with the Kickstarter. Also being avid gamers, we are working on a small RPG game to include with the Kickstarter.

    So much for long story short. I think that about sets the tone for the project. We hope to go live with it very soon, so any sort of help, recommendation, or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

    Oh and if you are interested in the project, like us on Facebook for the most up to date uh.... updates! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ordinary-Heroes/218191081530890

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    Re: Ordinary Heroes Comic: Help us finish this Kickstarter!

    by sbriggman » Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:40 am

    Cool. Welcome to the forum :). Have you considered using Thunderclap.it to build up buzz before your launch?
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
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    Re: Ordinary Heroes Comic: Help us finish this Kickstarter!

    by OrdinaryHeroes » Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:58 pm

    Never heard of it, but I will be sure to look into it now!
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    Re: Ordinary Heroes Comic: Help us finish this Kickstarter!

    by sbriggman » Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:16 pm

    Cool. Also, when you do go live, be sure to check out this promotion we are running to help creators get some initial backers: i-ll-pay-2-to-your-crowd-funding-project-t1448.html
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.

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