I was invited to join via a facebook message. My name is Mike and I am from Michigan. I have 5 days left to fund my first Kickstarter and it is currently at 62%. I run a small sign shop out my home and came up with the idea for my wine bottle balancers after seeing nothing but plain boring rectangle balancers online. I currently have about 10 different styles that balance any popular 750ml wine bottle or even a Jameson bottle. I have a wine bottle shape, lighthouse, guitar, fish, peacock feather, support ribbon, surfboard, air plane propeller, ar-15, and even a cat! If my project gets funded I will be able to upgrade my small CNC machine and be able to produce these awesome balancers out of hard red oak. It will also open up the opportunity to create many different projects out of almost any material besides steel. I have been reviewed on
http://www.kickstarter.reviews, ran a couple facebook ads, and promoted via instagram and twitter. My goal is relatively low so I hope I am still able to reach it with only 5 days remaining. Let me know what you think