My Wholefood natural AX Protein bars!
  • LoxtonAxiosFoods

    My Wholefood natural AX Protein bars!

    by LoxtonAxiosFoods » Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:29 am

    Hi there folks :D

    First I'd like to offer that to anyone who helps with sharing on any social media that I'll very happily share your own campaigns as well.

    I have one active Kickstarter. Aiming for $1500 USD which is the minimum of what I need.

    Also I have a very active Instagram, you can find me as axiosfoods on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. ... ts/1462194

    And furthermore, does anyone have any suggestions or reviews for third party advertisers?
    Last edited by LoxtonAxiosFoods on Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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    Re: My Wholefood natural AX Protein bars!

    by hyperstarter » Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:40 am

    Hi, I've never seen a dual KS and IGG campaign before...not sure it's even allowed?

    I just saw the KS campaign, it's only got 1 backer with 39 days left. The first thing I noticed was the video. It's not very good, it needs to be improved.

    My next question would be on the bars themselves. They don't look very appetising sorry. They look like nutrition bars out already that have no flavour and a strange dough / bland taste.

    So I'd like to see how people on the street rate them, who else has tried them...what do they think.

    In terms of health benefits, what are you have a doctor's report?

    Also, you make these yourself (at home?). So what's the health safety report of the environment where you are making them?

    Best of luck...
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  • LoxtonAxiosFoods

    Re: My Wholefood natural AX Protein bars!

    by LoxtonAxiosFoods » Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:26 am

    I can't imagine that it wouldn't be allowed, since the purpose of using two platforms was to decrease how much I would be asking from either community? If that's actually a thing though, then I would be fine with removing one of them. Is there I rule on either site I may have missed that could be referenced?

    You are correct, there is currently only 1 Backer. I am pleased that on my first day of posting my campaign that I received a backer.

    And as to the video, I agree. However, I am terrible at such tasks, and those who are close to me who are not terrible at that are still on their holidays. A new one will be applied when possible.

    I would have to reply that that is just your opinion and personal taste for perhaps the kinds of foods you consume. My business, and my bars have quite a following with all of the communities I have them selling in currently. While you may say they don't look appetising a great many others say the opposite. Or if you are referring to how the packaging makes them look then that is a repetition of the issue that plagues small health food businesses with difficulties who are wishing to upscale.
    The bars themselves are made from a different range of ingredients to the common commercial bars, thus the difference in quality and flavour and the reason for their initial conception and desire to sell them. You are likely thinking of bars made with masses of polyols, IMO's or GOS's or other hyper-processed ingredients.

    The bars have full nutritional analysis including full best before and used by dating as well as bacterial analysis. This was done by a reputable food science lab. So the health benefits are in relation to the various ingredients and their correlating macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients. Which tracks simply to the various studies into those ingredients and macro+micro nutrients and their effects on Human health.

    The business has been successfully selling the bars for 9 months, and has been doing so with only positive reviews from mothers, school children, cross fitters and bodybuilders. My customer base was originally targeted at avid gym goers but quickly spread to all kinds of demographics.
    There is only one negative review I've received and after discussion with the displeased customer and the owner of the store that he purchased it from the issue was to do with the manner of its storage. (Left sitting on a table in the front of his store in full sun for 2-3 weeks, not many products stand up well in that anyway)

    The business being an Australian registered food business has had to pass all of the locally stringent health and safety checks, which are performed on the commercial kitchen on a bi-monthly basis.

    The reason for the campaign(s) asking so little is because my business has had success for the past 9 months and is now asking the greater community at large to help out in the final kick to get the business there 3-5 months sooner. This also has to do with currency exchange rates.

    I hope that answered your various points.
  • LoxtonAxiosFoods

    Re: My Wholefood natural AX Protein bars!

    by LoxtonAxiosFoods » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:01 pm

    Just like to add, after reading through all of kickstarters and indigogo's rules there is nothing against using various platforms.
    However I have decided to cancel the indigogo one to simply aim for my minimum. Thank you for raising a potential concern.
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    Re: My Wholefood natural AX Protein bars!

    by hyperstarter » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:55 pm

    Hi, I wasn't sure about the dual KS & IGG, just I've never come across something like this before. Yes, it's probably best to stick with one and I think KS would be the better of the two.

    Regarding the points you listed, they are all valid and I don't remember seeing them listed on your page. I think it's necessary to add them, as it's potential questions other backers would have in their mind too.

    I would also say that normally when a project launches it gains momentum, so the start should of netted you alot of backers, then there's a lull in the middle and then it picks up again at the end.

    Are you already established if you've got a customer base? I guess you're not connecting with your base first (perhaps offering KS backers an exclusive flavour ?).

    Regarding the look of the bars, yes they don't look that great. They might taste great (if so, who says they taste great etc.,), plus you could interview in the video you ate the bars and what positive after affects it gave them (more energy, lost weight, stopped hunger pangs etc.,)

    Finally, who did you reach out to? Did you do any pre-launch marketing too?
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  • LoxtonAxiosFoods

    Re: My Wholefood natural AX Protein bars!

    by LoxtonAxiosFoods » Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:36 pm

    Most of those points were listed. Perhaps not in the most efficient form though. I have since edited it to flow more smoothly.

    My business is established in its current form in the current communities I stock most. But I am intentionally not engaging them largely in my KS. Since my new market is in a different nation. By reputation the area that I am from generally do not donate to causes either. Even our local mayor was practically laughed off one of his speeches for trying to raise fundraising for breast cancer... But I digress. You probably get why I haven't targeted my own local demographic for donation by that.

    But again, I can only say that what you think of how they look is entirely your opinion, to which it seems to me that you mustn't be very familiar with the health bar industry. Even though on that point I have some cafes that stock them because they "look just like a kind of packaged gourmet or healthy version of a slice". I have literally never had anyone (until now) say that they don't like how they look. And like I said in the earlier response; they sell to a range of demographics from various economic classes.

    My online reach has only started earlier today. And unfortunately, I've only recently made a Twitter so my following on that is low. But through Instagram, I'm expecting to turn more results come the working week when I get better engagement.
    But no, there was no pre-launch marketing. Thus the initial question about any third party advertisers of any kind?
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    Re: My Wholefood natural AX Protein bars!

    by hyperstarter » Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:15 pm

    Yes it's just an opinion but it's based on experience with Crowdfunding. plus questions that entered my head as I was reading the page

    Since you're only at 1 backer, I think you admit my points should help your campaign :) Regarding 3rd party advertisers, I personally wouldn't pursue them until you've made the campaign page as good as it can be...then perhaps you should look at advertisers unless you have the time to engage with influencer's yourself.

    Good luck with it!
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