by Betta Games » Sat Feb 27, 2016 7:14 pm
1. Yes you can advertise on Facebook. I would recommend boosting your post, as long as the post is important but if you plan on making multiple minor posts then promote the page so they can see everything on the page rather than just 1 post.
2. Take them to where your confident. If you think the sale will be made on the Kickstarter then do that but if you think you could design a more convincing landing page, then I recommend you go that rout.
3. Social media in general, and there are a lot of crowd funding agencies out there with varying prices, plans, and functions.
But my over all advice for running a campaign is to take your time and build your following. The only shortcut to a successful Kickstarter is a big pile of money, but even that doesn't guarantee anything. Hope I helped, good luck on your campaign