Hey guys,
I'm an Italian university studend that was always passionate about videogames, in the last years i've worked on different projects with some friends and recently i've decided to creaty something on my own.
I've came up with a simple online 1v1 game that to be completed requires some servers that i need to rent, and because i'm a university student of course i'm broke.
Having used crowdfunding in the past i immediatly though about kickstarter, and after estimating how much is needed for the development i created a 1000 euroes campaign, thinking it would have been easy completing it, well after 6 days in i'm starting to think it will be impossible to achieve the goal, i'm currently sitting at about 100 euroes, so 10% of the required budget, and i have no idea on how to gain some visibility.
Looking at how many experts are around here and how many people are telling their successful story, do you guys have any advices? How can I improve the page of the project? Do you think i still have a chance to achieve the goal?
This is the page of the campaign:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sp ... -prototypeThanks in advance