My first project
  • camplte
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    My first project

    by camplte » Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:18 am

    Well I struck out on my first project. I hope to learn a lot and iron out some bugs along the way. This project is an attempt to create new works of art that use people's signatures and audio recordings. Here is my link ... nature-art

    I have been making art for a long time and I hope to create a new series that expands on what I learned from all my art productions.

    Todd Camplin

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    Re: My first project

    by sbriggman » Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:55 pm

    Hi Todd,

    Interesting. How's the campaign been going so far?

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    QT Games
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    Re: My first project

    by QT Games » Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:16 pm

    Hi Todd,

    It's an interesting concept, but you barely start to get into it, why you are doing it, how it works. Most videos tend to be too long. Yours is too short, IMO. In fact, it ends with you starting to say something and then stops. I would at least zoom in on that first one to give an example, as it took several seconds and I had to take your word for it, that there was anything like a signature anywhere - just a pattern. Zooming way in, would show off the effect you are doing. And talking more about why you are doing this would help people get more interested in it. You can also talk about how you will be presenting it. If it's done on a computer, then doing it in color would be a nice variation, IMO. I see that you mention it, but you don't show an example. You have to really sell it to get people excited.

    As it currently stands, there's just not much information on the entire Kickstarter page to tell me why I should get excited. And you do want people to get excited so they will pledge! People are also sometimes a bit lazy. It would be more interesting to hear you tell us what you wrote below the vid in addition to that location, and with enthusiasm, of course. Again, it's an interesting idea, but you need to get people to sit up and take notice, and a 43 sec non-action video with little artsy zooming around and camera angle changes probably isn't enough. Not sure how it's made, but talking about that helps too. I could see a software app to make this sort of thing and selling that in addition to what you are doing, but that's another ball of wax. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your show!

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