[kickstarter] - Music video for ADHD, Autisme, Tourette.
  • Famousbrunkey
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    [kickstarter] - Music video for ADHD, Autisme, Tourette.

    by Famousbrunkey » Sat May 14, 2016 8:57 am

    Tourette is not easy? Also ADHD, and Autisme.

    Hi my name is Bjorn and i am 30 years old.
    I know how it is to have all this symptoms.
    i have Tourette, ADHD, and Autisme. is not easy to live with it. But i try it! and thats keep me motivated. I live in Holland. I know alot of childeren, teenagers, older people that have the same talent as me. I think Tourette, ADHD, AUtisme, is not a illness its a way to get your skills togetter and make something cools with your live. My best friend was 14 dieds a year ago. he had the same issues as me. He cant live with it. Every one look at him in the train, bus station, work place. it opens my eyes. Thats the reason i believe in childeren, teenagers all type of people that has the same as me. Because there like music. I am music video director i make normally music videos for famous artist in Holland. Now i want to try something new. I want to make a music video with people that have the same tics and conflicts like me. I know i can creative something nice, something emotional, something with love. i dont have a big income. But i believe in this world. everyone deverse a good live, a safe place to live. for my self i must progress alot of problems in my life how i can handle things. i but my emotion in music. I hope you can help me! to help other people, other childeren, adults, teenagers to get the best music video there will every get.

    Thank you! and i hope that we can have good contact.

    Check out my project! http://www.kickstarterforum.org/ucp.php?mode=activate&u=8051&k=3V8U3NL8Y

  • Vanessa
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    Re: [kickstarter] - Music video for ADHD, Autisme, Tourette.

    by Vanessa » Mon May 16, 2016 3:45 pm

    Hi, check the url to your project. It's linked to this forum's activation page
    #1 Crowdfunding Campaign Optimization, Crowd Building & Promotion App https://www.krowdster.co/
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    Re: [kickstarter] - Music video for ADHD, Autisme, Tourette.

    by Cristina » Tue May 17, 2016 11:08 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
    Forum Moderator.
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