Modular Green Roofs for Everyone!
  • UrbanCanopy
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    Modular Green Roofs for Everyone!

    by UrbanCanopy » Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:06 pm

    As our cities expand, the global climate shifts, and sustainable technology grows, our roof spaces remain largely unused. By replanting roofs, we can reduce the urban heat island effect, sequester rainfall to reduce the strain on drainage systems, scrub the air of pollutants and CO2, and provide green spaces as quiet oases in the heart of an urban setting.

    By providing affordable, adaptable, modular green roof systems, we strive to regreen large expanses of city roofspace, restoring an urban canopy to our cities.

    Our Kickstarter campaign launched this week, to fund the manufacturing setup costs, and it's off to a great start. If you are excited about bringing green space back to our cities, and improving the urban experience and the environment, please share and consider contributing.

    Visit for more information on what we're doing, and check out the Kickstarter campaign at ... r-everyone

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