Mid-funding Project Changes to Boost Pledges
  • MichaelTumey
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    Mid-funding Project Changes to Boost Pledges

    by MichaelTumey » Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:31 am

    So I'm at Day 15, half way through my Kickstarter funding period and less than $1200 to the first stretch goal. One of the stretch goal levels is for the creation of a book by a fellow cartographer, Josephe Vandel. Looking at trending, it appeared that the funding might not be achieved to release his book. Plus I had some additional concerns about 2 other upper end stretch goals. So today, I did some major changes to stretch goal part of the project and added some backer levels.

    My $25,000 stretch goal for a set of geomorphic battlemap sets, I canceled and removed it from the project - with thoughts of adding it back in, only if funding reaches past the previous goal.

    My $16,500 stretch goal for a 250 object set of Old West hand-drawn map symbols, I converted into a done-deal, by making it available as backer levels to pledgers and removed that as a stretch goal.

    Josephe's book was at the $20,000 stretch goal, now it's the top stretch goal at $16,500.

    Since the hand-drawn map object set was moved from stretch goal, to added backer levels at: $55, $75, $80, and $95 (increasing the content for existing $25, $45, $50 and $70 backer levels), five existing pledgers have upgraded their pledges, in addition to continually getting new pledgers (edit: oh, and that was in the first 10 minutes after the change was made!)

    By offering more content for a little more money, it is far easier to convince an existing pledger to pledge more money, than it is to get a brand new pledge maker. Same is a truism for most business situations.

    I'm glad I've made the changes, I've gotten immediate impact for doing so.

    25 Quick & Dirty Map Tutorials Guide Kickstarter - create stunning RPG maps using any standard graphics software.
  • MichaelTumey
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    Re: Mid-funding Project Changes to Boost Pledges

    by MichaelTumey » Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:53 am

    An addendum to having added backer levels at mid-funding period, and some news!

    It's 4 days later, after the initial boost momentum slowed once again, but when it got within $100 from new pledgers, a bunch of existing pledge makers bumped their pledges up and helped it cross the line. This morning the first stretch goal was reached and unlocked. So I posted Update #10. I think being able to upgrade your pledge works as a tool for the fans that really want the project to succeed and can work in your favor when hitting milestones.

    Interestingly, it seems a good portion of the would-be pledge makers were waiting for these two books to get funded, as they were more interested in the upcoming stretch goals. Within a few hours of posting the Update, I got record number and amount of pledges, surpassed only by day one - the second best funding day of the project, so far!
    Key stretch goals (if prerequisite funding get's you there) can really motivate pledges to your project.

    The day isn't over, though - so this is just my immediate perspective on what's happening at the moment...
    25 Quick & Dirty Map Tutorials Guide Kickstarter - create stunning RPG maps using any standard graphics software.
  • MichaelTumey
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    Re: Mid-funding Project Changes to Boost Pledges

    by MichaelTumey » Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:30 pm

    4 days left, I did it again. A contributor sent me a message asking me to make print versions of the stretch goal funded books as additional backer levels. I couldn't include backer levels for not-yet-funded books, not until they became funded. So I've added a 2 printed book tier, a 3 printed book tier, and a 3 printed book tier + all map object sets. That last one, at $175. I did this in concert with Kickstarter Update #12, so everyone got the message.

    Within the first hour, 2 existing contributors upgraded to the $175, at the same time as 2 new contributors joined at the $175 tier.

    Today's talley of pledges (with 7 hours left in the day) is $720, the 3rd highest single day, and it ain't over yet.

    Edit: ended up as 2nd highest single day, almost the same as Day 1 (over $1000)

    I've funded 3 books and am within $2500 of reaching the 3rd stretch goal with 4 days left, very doable. Of the 4th stretch goal? Because it's not a book by me, something I tacked on by request, so there wouldn't have to be 2 competing map tutorial kickstarters happening at the same time. I don't think it will get funded, in time.

    Still going far more successfully than I anticipated.

    Adding backer levels to cover new benefits later (for me twice) in the funding period proves to be able to boost pledges when done with timing in mind. I've done it first on the half-way point, and now again, right before the end.
    25 Quick & Dirty Map Tutorials Guide Kickstarter - create stunning RPG maps using any standard graphics software.
  • theordl
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    Re: Mid-funding Project Changes to Boost Pledges

    by theordl » Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:47 am

    Great stuff! We hope our project will mirror yours with boosts to pledges as we have changed our rewards. We wish you all the best and hope you will take a look at our project too!

    http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/120 ... ing-league
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    Re: Mid-funding Project Changes to Boost Pledges

    by MichaelTumey » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:32 pm

    Thanks, theordl!

    Less than 48 hours to the end of funding. Since this is the last weekend of funding starting on Friday, at the end of August is payday for many potential contributors. This morning I was just shy of hitting my 3rd stretch goal: Using 3D Elements in Mapping Guide book. I posted an announcement on my G+ community as follows:

    This is not a plea, rather a strongly worded request... :D

    First of all, thank you, current pledge makers for getting us this far!

    While members of this G+ community can expect more free tutorials, map samples and other cartographic coolness - the purpose of this community is to introduce and promote the 25 Quick & Dirty Map Tutorials Guide Kickstarter Project. And I see that there are more members here, than there are contributors to the Kickstarter. So I'm asking, if you'd like to support this community, please make a contribution to the Kickstarter - even if it's at the bottom tier of $15. I am still hoping to fund the 4th stretch goal before it's done.

    We've got a little over 48 hours left, and are just about to fund the 3rd stretch goal (within $17) - can you help?

    Basically I made a call to action, and asked for a pledge to my 518 G+ community members.

    At 10:30 AM I hit the stretch goal of $14,000, posted an update on the Kickstarter. Right now, it's been six hours since both the update, and my notice on my G+ community, and I've gotten $1,178 in 6 hours, with 44 hours left until end of funding.

    Edit: $2610 in pledges today, by 62 backers, and upgrades by other backers.

    I didn't think I was going to hit my 4th stretch goal, yesterday, however, I now think that I will.
    25 Quick & Dirty Map Tutorials Guide Kickstarter - create stunning RPG maps using any standard graphics software.
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    Re: Mid-funding Project Changes to Boost Pledges

    by MichaelTumey » Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:29 pm

    double post.
    Last edited by MichaelTumey on Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
    25 Quick & Dirty Map Tutorials Guide Kickstarter - create stunning RPG maps using any standard graphics software.
  • MichaelTumey
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    Re: Mid-funding Project Changes to Boost Pledges

    by MichaelTumey » Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:32 pm

    OMG - I'm well over the top!

    19 hours until end of funding, 382 backers, $18,448 pledged ($1948 past all stretch goals), 487% funded, 59% funded through Kickstarter, 41% funded externally, 947 video view, 44.56% watched entire video, video 3 minutes 14 seconds, 140 Facebook shares.

    Edit: 9 hours to go, and $20,309!! :shock:

    Early this morning, my Kickstarter project was listed at Awesome Gaming Projects blog site.
    25 Quick & Dirty Map Tutorials Guide Kickstarter - create stunning RPG maps using any standard graphics software.

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