Amazing product! Before I even seen the video I got all giddy about it. One I love graffiti, ever since I was younger. Two, with a marketing background, I see products sometimes that you can just run with and have a field day with as well! And yes this is one of them. Video is basically a commercial that explains the entire product. Fantastic, but... Would like to see the creator, like to see him talk on the video so you can see how excited you are about the product!
Also your Facebook page is not a page, its a facebook profile, you are missing out on valuable insights about your customers and backers by not having the business page. Where are your potential customers located? what city? who are they? All this info could be given to you from Facebook insights on the business pages. Run a few adds, and you could give away a wallet a week as a promotional contest to attract more customers. If you ever want to talk get in touch with me below. Good Luck
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