Looking for feedback about my failed Kickstarter
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    Looking for feedback about my failed Kickstarter

    by luisonoff » Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:14 am

    A month ago I started my first kickstarter campaign. Now it is almost done and I only got to the 10%... So it is going to fail.
    I plan on doing some changes to the product and trying again in a few months.

    It would be great if you could take a look at the campaign itself and share what would you change, what should be improved or what errors I made. Any one?


    Thank you very much!

    Droiko drone - http://kck.st/2hn43DX
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    Re: Looking for feedback about my failed Kickstarter

    by lowkey » Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:13 pm

    i got a lot on my plate right now but i am going to comment about your project anyway.

    first, you have decent presentation. its not the best, but decent. not bad either.

    second, you dont have any active community supporting your cause/product. you need them. you really, really, really need them. how do you engage with your customers? with your active subscribers?

    third, "DROIKO"...google trends show no organic results. meaning theres a lot of google results for it, but nobody actually care to search for Droiko. Leads to the fact that you dont have enough engagement even though you have good enough exposure. its a common mistake. some project owners thought that with enough exposure, you will get engagement. no. it doesnt work that way. engagement are much like respect. you dont get them you earn.

    if you have good pictures, promotional materials your supporters will try to engage with you with typical questions what when where etc. but if they dont, they only liked your pictures or posts. add them. reach them. ask them what do they think and that you are doing a quick survey. let them be a part of your company growth.

    next is your online presence is all over the place! i dont know if you paid people to boost your product on their page but if you read what they posts, they keep mentioning the same thing. its like they own the project. nobody knows which one is the real page for Droiko campaign. dont believe me? search Droiko on google and facebook.

    for guideline on fb ads, just read my posts. if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

    I know you are proud with your project but it doesnt end up well. remember. a good crowdfunding project starts with a good support. much like politics. you see how Trump end up winning anyway? If you have good supporters, you have good product. So now get your team start working on making online presence and community. and for god sake lower your price please. we can buy decent standard quad copter from established companies for that kind of money.

    i am sorry if i am being cranky but i am just tired maybe shouldve get some rest. take care for now.
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    Re: Looking for feedback about my failed Kickstarter

    by sbriggman » Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:47 am

    Hey dude!

    Need a bit more info on your marketing strategy. How big was your list? How did you market it? Did you do any validation before launching about the business?

    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.

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