Hey guys,
My name is Cody and I am a 19 year old programmer looking for two things - creativity and stability. That is how the concept of this website began. This is my first ever project that I am asking for funding with. The project in question is a video-sharing website similar to YouTube or Vimeo, but instead of being labelled "video-sharing" I'm going for it to be labelled as a creative content channel, or creation playground.
The idea behind letusbeus is that we can provide a website for content creators that want freedom in their content. The large content managers (Machinima, for example) restrict their partners to what they can do, say, and show. I want to create a content playground for these creators to come and do the same thing they're doing on Twitch.tv and YouTube, with no restrictions. (within legal aspects, of course!)
I'm asking for your help. I have been in talks with a large hosting website and they said that they will back us up with their servers, now I just need the funding.
Let me know what you guys think: