Lamplight Media Dragoncon/Publishing Kickstarter
  • randyness
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    Lamplight Media Dragoncon/Publishing Kickstarter

    by randyness » Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:39 pm

    A while back I shelved a Christian video game project and decided to work on a project that I could have more control over and required no funding. I decided to write a novel. Books get made into movies and movies get made into video games. This is what I call "the long road" to my original goal.

    I have had my first novel "Rise of the Magi" published and my publisher tells me that the second novel in the series will be published by August. I am using my company (Lamplight Media) to publish a hardback D&D style Christian Roleplaying game book and some expansion books with it. It will be a pencil/paper/dice game with Christian symbolism and parabolic teaching with team building. Good for youth groups, gamers, and home schoolers.

    I recently applied for a vendors booth at Dragon Con. Dragon Con is a multigenre convention which takes place once each year in Atlanta, Georgia. As of 2012, the convention draws attendance of 52,000, features hundreds of guests, encompasses five hotels in downtown Atlanta near Centennial Olympic Park, and runs thousands of hours of programming for fans of science fiction, fantasy, comic books, and other elements of fan culture.

    There were thousands of applicants for the 350 booths available. Lamplight Media was one of the applicants chosen because of the uniqueness of our product (Christian Fantasy/sci-fi novels, RPG Books, and art). I count it a God thing that we were chosen out of so many secular applicants. And the redemptive message of Christ will be available and presented to 52k people (large majorities non-Christian). This is a group that is rarely ministered to.

    I have spoken to several vendors who have gone to Dragon Con before. I have heard everything from that I will sell a thousand books a day to i will sell 50 a day. To decrease my risk in the amount of prints that I end up taking and to absorb some of the cost of creating the art and RPG Book I have started a Kickstarter project with some cool backing rewards.

    My goal is to reach 5,000. So far we are a little behind on reaching our daily goal. I would like to ask you to go to ,

    watch the video, and consider backing the project for whatever reward you are interested in.

    Thanks for your time,
    Randy Blackwell
    Author of Rise of the Magi

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