Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?
  • Argos
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    Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?

    by Argos » Sun Nov 03, 2019 3:25 pm

    We all have had bad experiences with crowdfunding. On one side, some creators have disappeared with our money. Some have delivered sub-par products, but there are also amazing project creators out there that have given us more than they promised or, at the very least, refunded us if the project went astray, etc. On the other side, we have project creators that have to deal with unreasonable backers and platforms that don`t provide the services they need to fund their projects.

    Thus I am surveying Kickstarter users on how satisfied they are with the platform, and I would love to invite you to take part in my study. There is no way I can finish my research paper without your participation.

    You will be able to see all the survey results (summaries, graphs, aggregates) right after you submit your answers. If you so desire, then I will gladly credit you in my research paper with a special thank you. There will be a question about that in the survey. Don`t worry about it. :)

    Please, follow this link to start taking the survey - .

    At the very least, could I ask you to share this link with those that you think might be interested in taking the survey?

    More information about the survey:

    1. I gave the survey to some blind-testers and the longest it took to finish it, was 19 minutes and 32 seconds when having to answer all 12 questions. Of course, your mileage might wary.
    2. The survey is anonymous. I will not ask you to provide any sensitive information. I won't even ask for your e-mail. Except for your name.. ..if you wish to be credited.
    3. The survey is open for a limited time or until I can get 345 respondents. 345 is the limited amount of respondents I need for the survey results to be referable to all Kickstarter users.

    I intentionally avoided talking about my research in detail because I didn`t want you to sit there and read a whole manuscript. Yet, if you have any questions about my motivations or anything else surrounding my research paper, then I will gladly answer all of your questions.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post,
    Have a nice day! :)

  • Argos
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    Re: Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?

    by Argos » Sun Nov 03, 2019 3:27 pm

    3 of you have already filled out my survey! Thank you for being The Three brave Musketeers of this research study.

  • Argos
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    Re: Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?

    by Argos » Sun Nov 03, 2019 3:56 pm

    8 is my favorite and luckiest number since I was born on the 8th of December. That is how many people have taken the survey.

    The number 8 is also in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, as a magical number. Eight is not safe to be said by wizards on the Discworld and is the number of Bel-Shamharoth. Also, there are eight days in a Disc week and eight colors in a Disc spectrum.

    Huh... The more you know! :)

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    Re: Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?

    by Argos » Sun Nov 03, 2019 4:12 pm

    12 amazing people have taken the survey. Just like 12 amazing actors in the movie "12 Angry Men" where instructed by a visibly bored judge to deliberate the case of an 18-year-old from a slum on trial for allegedly stabbing his father to death that if there is any reasonable doubt, the jurors are to return a verdict of not guilty. If found guilty, the defendant will receive a death sentence.

    This is one of the best black and white movies out there. It is amazing to see how much can be done with just 12 characters put in a single room.

    I hope that you will do your job just as honestly as tose 12 men did at the end of this movie.
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    Re: Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?

    by Argos » Sun Nov 03, 2019 4:49 pm

    16 people have taken the survey. In many countries, the age of 16 is used as a minimum age for many limitations, for example, when a person can get a beginner's driver's license, start drinking, etc.

    This survey has no such limitations. Anyone can fill out the survey long as they have used Kickstarter as a backer or as a project creator, or as both.
  • Argos
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    Re: Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?

    by Argos » Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:34 pm

    22 people have filled out the survey! Thank you!
    I wanted to mention ''cath-22'' meme and the book it was based on for the random respondent number fact... Yet, I have decided to go with something more personal.

    Traditional Tarot decks have 22 cards with allegorical subjects. These serve as trump cards in the game. The Fool is usually a kind of wild-card among the trumps and unnumbered, so the highest trump is 21.

    A tarot deck is a prominent element from the ''Persona'' video game series. ''Persona 2: Eternal Punishment'' being my favorite one of them all since it is a bit darker and grittier.

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    Re: Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?

    by Argos » Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:01 pm

    I have been getting a lot of direct messages so I forgot to do the random number fact.. here is another one.

    We have 44 total respondents now! Did you now that in Mark Twain`s unfinished novel The Mysterious Stranger is based on a supernatural character called "Satan" or "No. 44".

    I love horror and supernatural stories thus it is saddening that Twain was unable to finish it.

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    Re: Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?

    by Argos » Mon Nov 04, 2019 5:30 pm

    I just looked at the survey results, and we are at 91 respondents. If this keeps up, in a couple of days, we should have reached the minimum amount of respondents for the survey results to apply to all Kickstarter users.

    I am not a very religious person, but sometimes you can find interesting details in religious texts, that are designed to help people lead better lives. For example, the 91st psalm of the Book of Psalms, generally known in English by its first verse in the King James Verison:

    "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Highest shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."

    It is a psalm of protection, commonly invoked in times of hardship.

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    Re: Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?

    by Argos » Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:53 am

    Hey! We have 108 respondents now!

    108 is such an amazing number because:

    1. There are 108 ''outlaws'' in one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature - Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an. The story tells of how a group of 108 outlaws gathers at Mount Liang (or Liangshan Marsh) to form a sizable army before they are eventually granted amnesty by the government and sent on campaigns to resist foreign invaders. It has introduced to readers many of the best-known characters in Chinese literature, such as Wu Song, Lin Chong, and Lu Zhishen.

    2. In the TV show Lost, the numbers from the fictional Valenzetti equation (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) had to be entered every 108 (the sum of the six numbers) minutes on a computer to prevent an unknown catastrophic event from occurring.

    3. There are also 108 cards in a UNO deck. This is very important.

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    Re: Kickstarter`s worker unionization, Indiegogo`s CEO leaving... How satisfied are you with crowdfunding?

    by Argos » Wed Nov 06, 2019 2:32 am

    We are 1 person away from 140 respondents!

    If we get 2 more, then we will have gathered more respondents than the number of types of ashes from several pipes, cigars, and tobaccos that Sherlock Holmes had in his monograph.

    I wonder witch pipe, cigar or tobacco would I correspond with? Maybe we can make a personality test based on them?


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