Kickstarter Prelaunch- Nanofiber Baselayer - feedback plz!
  • ElementPure
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    Kickstarter Prelaunch- Nanofiber Baselayer - feedback plz!

    by ElementPure » Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:17 pm

    Hi guys and gals,

    We are going to launch a kickstarter campaign soon for a baselayer (aka long underwear, long johns/leggings, inner wear, thermal underwear etc.) system made out of Tencel, a very ecofriendly and high performance natural fabric.

    To drum up some interest we made a landing page so we can start collecting some emails. We decided to go with gleam and use their competition feature to make a contest since it seemed a little bit more compelling than just asking for emails like everyone else. It also seems to offer alot more social media functions such as retweets, follows on FB/twitter etc.

    So please take a look at our landing page here at:

    here are some major points of concern we had internally:

      when you first visit the site, do you know to scroll? we had forced scrolling before with an arrow indicator but there was some complaints about that so we made it into a regular parallex scrolling. however, now it has no indicators that the page is actually scrollable. do you think this is a problem (ie. some visitor won't actually scroll down thus will not see any of the features).

      what do you guys think about the gleam contest? are there too many actions? does it come across as too spammy?

      any sort of structural changes you'd change to the site, does the order of how we are presenting the features and the call to action make sense?

      any other type of pre launch marketing you think would be effective for us?

      any other sort of feedback/comments?

    thank you guys so much for any ideas/feedback/comments. anything and everything is welcomed.



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    Re: Kickstarter Prelaunch- Nanofiber Baselayer - feedback p

    by giftsandcoupons » Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:52 am

    Hi, I think your page looks a bit too black and white...and perhaps you should launch with this page only:

    That said, it looks like the Gleam template can't be customised and scrolling up and down looks to be a problem (it was for me).

    I don't really understand the point of points? It says 20 Winners, but win what exactly?

    How are winners judged, by some robot or something else? Looks a bit complex, where all you should be doing is:
    - Promoting your product
    - Letting them know you're doing a KS page
    - Let them get in contact with you if any questions (twitter, email etc.,)
    ...and that should be it. I'm not sure the value of this competition. I know Gleam, I wrote postitive things about them on my Influencer article, but not sure it's applicable in your case?

    The photos in the background are great BTW! - Get more exposure of your Kickstarter / Indiegogo Project - We Showcase the Ultimate Gifts
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    Re: Kickstarter Prelaunch- Nanofiber Baselayer - feedback p

    by Jegius » Mon Oct 19, 2015 7:59 am

    I like website, photos and etc.. everything is understandable
  • ElementPure
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    Re: Kickstarter Prelaunch- Nanofiber Baselayer - feedback p

    by ElementPure » Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:08 pm

    thanks alot guys!

    i think gleam is bugged for 1080P resolutions. the only reason we went with gleam is because we thought we can get more user engagement. but some people did say it was a bit confusing.

    so basically do you guys think just capturing email will be just as effective? we felt like people are very hesitant to give out emails unless you reward them with something.
  • ElementPure
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    Re: Kickstarter Prelaunch- Nanofiber Baselayer - feedback p

    by ElementPure » Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:10 pm

    giftsandcoupons wrote:Hi, I think your page looks a bit too black and white...and perhaps you should launch with this page only:

    That said, it looks like the Gleam template can't be customised and scrolling up and down looks to be a problem (it was for me).

    I don't really understand the point of points? It says 20 Winners, but win what exactly?

    How are winners judged, by some robot or something else? Looks a bit complex, where all you should be doing is:
    - Promoting your product
    - Letting them know you're doing a KS page
    - Let them get in contact with you if any questions (twitter, email etc.,)
    ...and that should be it. I'm not sure the value of this competition. I know Gleam, I wrote postitive things about them on my Influencer article, but not sure it's applicable in your case?

    The photos in the background are great BTW!

    hey thanks for the tips.

    the winners will win the whole set you see the pic.
    and they'll be 20 winners which will be randomly chosen by gleam.

    so basically when you get to that gleam page you have to enter your name and email to enter the contest. that way we get their email and names automatically. thought it would work better than just give us your email for nothing in return.
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    Re: Kickstarter Prelaunch- Nanofiber Baselayer - feedback p

    by giftsandcoupons » Tue Oct 20, 2015 3:22 am

    Thanks for clarifying. I didn't know you'd win what you see in the pic. I only glanced at it (which is what most people do), so I got a bit confused and moved on. If you could see the "bounce-rate" for this page, that might help you.

    For me, if I was interested in your product I would enter my email.

    For example if the page said:
    "Be first for exclusive updates to our campaign"
    "Save 10% by entering your email"
    "Get notified first for our launch, discounts and more"

    - You could offer them a prize if they enter their email, but I think you're giving away too much.

    You need a balance of people interested in you rather than people interested in winning a you need targeted visitors.

    Also how are you getting along with social media? What are you competitors doing?

    Haha, I've many questions! If you need help with your campaign, let me know! - Get more exposure of your Kickstarter / Indiegogo Project - We Showcase the Ultimate Gifts
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    Re: Kickstarter Prelaunch- Nanofiber Baselayer - feedback p

    by Jonathan08 » Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:30 am

    I agree with everything G&C says. I would pledge, but just not my thing. Keep us posted on your progress. I would however be interested in a trading social shares for my pre-launch gizmo.
    Let me know if you're interested and I'll share your link on my FB, Twitter etc.
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    Re: Kickstarter Prelaunch- Nanofiber Baselayer - feedback p

    by ElementPure » Tue Oct 20, 2015 2:01 pm

    hey guys thanks for the feedback.

    i totally understand your points. i think the gleam thing is a bit too complicated now as well. we will most likely not use it again in the future.

    we changed the wording above the CTA a bit, so it's along the lines of don't miss out on our early bird pricing > get on the waitlist > and first line on the contest box is enter your email to get on the waitlist

    at least this way there is less of a disconnect. if they choose the read the whole contest then they'll do the other actions as well. it's probably not the best solution but better than before at least i think..

    Jonathan08 we are totally interested and we will do the same for you! please connect via facebook, just send a PM to the element pure FB account and i'll post your stuff on my personal facebook.

    Our facebook:

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