Jerry Belich - Software Dev, Maker, and Storyteller
  • jerry
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    Jerry Belich - Software Dev, Maker, and Storyteller

    by jerry » Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:19 am

    Hello everyone!

    I've been working diligently on my first Kickstarter for a project called The Choosatron. It was born out of a funny idea for using a thermal printer to play Choose Your Own Adventure inspired stories. After getting it around kids (and adults actually), I realized there was more to it than just a niche toy, and have been using it as a teaching tool for creative writing and game design! It's been an absolute blast to see how excited kids are, and the stories they write. The entire project will be open sourced, from the hardware to the software. :)

    The Kickstarter link is here:

    I've been developing software professionally for over ten years, and am currently the senior mobile developer at the company I work for. I'm passionate about getting kids interested in coding and engineering, but specifically with creative influences. I mentor at a Coder Dojo where I work, the only one in the cities (although we've outgrown our space, a great problem to have!). I also do theatre, and swede movies!

    Nice to meet you all. :)


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