is crowd pr angels legit?
  • p90xsmalls
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    Crowd PR

    by p90xsmalls » Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:23 pm

    I am down for this as well. A true test of time is all that we need.

    Strike your finger on your stomache. If pain is cause, then you know you are in for a bad campaign. If pain is not caused, then you know you will find success on kickstarter. That simple test has never failed me.

    mike420blazed247 wrote:I'll fight them with you. Here is what we need to do:

    1. report them to their web host for web spam

    If 20 of us do that, they will begin to take us seriously.

    2. report them to the google search engine for web spam. Again 20 of us must do this in order for a report to be taken seriously.

    3. most importantly, we all need to report them to kickstarter, every single day for up to a month. Eventually kickstarter will do a blog post about how they need to be avoided and that will shut them down once and for all.


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