Introduction of me and my project
  • JeffreyB
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    Introduction of me and my project

    by JeffreyB » Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:07 am

    A warm greeting to all who read this!

    I already introduced myself a bit in the introduction topic, but I would like to take some time to elaborate a bit further, and ask for your help/advice. I am Jeffrey, a campaigner intern working on a project for the ACE 1 (which is not mine, mind you). Although I personally have little to gain from a success for this campaign, I would love to see it succeed. I see the creation and management of a Kickstarter campaign as a wonderful learning experience, and I hope I will be able to graduate soon. If I can end my internship with a successful crowdfunding campaign, this would really be wonderful!

    The campaign for the ACE 1 is also featured on a dutch crowdfunding platform called Oneplanetcrowd, and we reached 100% on this campaign two days ago. Our kickstarter project however, is not moving as fast and good as our Oneplanetcrowd campaign. I think there might be something we are doing wrong on Kickstarter, therefore I want to ask for your help. Do you have any tips on how we could improve our project? This is the project:

    For those interested (and able to read it), this is our dutch project page:

    I really want this project to be succesful, but I feel our project does not get the attention it could get. Any tips or suggestions on how we could improve our project, or get it noticed more?

    Check out the ACE 1 cookstove campaign on
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    Re: Introduction of me and my project

    by sbriggman » Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:04 pm

    Seems like you guys have had some pretty steady growth, but not aggressive enough to be in a good position for the amount of time left. I think it's hard to run two campaigns at once. What have you been doing to promote the Kickstarter thus far?
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • JeffreyB
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    Re: Introduction of me and my project

    by JeffreyB » Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:31 am

    we have introduced the project to our personal contacts, we have contacted blogs and press and also got published a few times, we contacted several big names to try and make them ambassadors, we have given demonstrations, been to offline events, and currently someone is touring through europe with one of the stoves to demonstrate it and find support...

    And lastly, in two days time, we will try and release a thunderclap. I really hope that THAT will lift the campaign up, as it would mean that our message will be viewed by thousands at the same time...
    Check out the ACE 1 cookstove campaign on

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