Individual Transportation App, for FREE, what u think about?
  • marcio
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    Individual Transportation App, for FREE, what u think about?

    by marcio » Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:30 pm


    I'm sorry because my english is not perfect.

    I thought put this idea on Kickstarter, but it must be resident in the USA, and at the moment I am in Brazil, so, i need a partner that live in USA to post on Kickstater, if appropriate.

    The business idea is for help to people in transportation, maybe to revolutionize the transportation industry.

    The idea, in resume, is like Uber, but, for FREE.

    Yes, the user download the app, calls the car, go to his destin, and don't pay for nothing.

    I'm not crazy, i will explain.

    Follow my logic:

    If someone wish to go from point A to point B, and the distance betwen is about 6 km, how much it cost?

    > Let's calculate an average:

    > combustible cost = 1 usd;
    > cost of car wear = 2 usd;
    > cost of driver = 2 usd;
    > TOTAL = 5 usd;

    Then that little travel would cost about 5 usd (by high). So, for make that travel for free, i need just 5 usd.

    And that is the secret to the magic, to answer the question: As to be able to pay the $ 5 travel without taking any money out of pocket?

    This question can have multiple answers, but the main ones are: with advertising into the car and respond to surveys during the travel.

    It's logic and math plus technology, many companies pay more than that to advertise on the Internet, sometimes a cost per click is more than $2, so in the example above would only need to get two or three companies interested (or more, if necessary) in pay for the little travel, and I think wich more companies would be interested. The companies will be able to place advertising for passengers, do research, offer free gifts and offers, etc.

    And in the future with a more detailed database, the ads could be more customized to the user's preferences or their location.

    I think that it will be a revolutionary business, a good use of the economy for people.

    The Kickstarter campaign would then be to buy (or rent) cars (and equip them with screens for advertisements), pay drivers to start the business in some city, create the app and make the necessary logistics for the business work.

    I love technology and how it can improve people's lives.

    Did you understand? What you think about?

  • Vincent
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    Re: Individual Transportation App, for FREE, what u think ab

    by Vincent » Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:16 am

    Is your app available for download or is it just an idea?
  • marcio
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    Re: Individual Transportation App, for FREE, what u think ab

    by marcio » Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:06 pm

    Hi Vicent, it's an idea yet.
  • alexcool2020
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    Re: Individual Transportation App, for FREE, what u think about?

    by alexcool2020 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:24 am

    That's would be a very nice idea. Everyone who deals with the transport really needs it. I'm owning 5 trucks in US and soon I want to buy 5 more. This is really necessary for me because I'll take new truck drivers and I have to check them if they are honest. I'm thinking about the best equipment. Now, I'm dealing with because they are offering very good product on the marketplace. This business is not easy at all but we really need to start something.

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