How to get crowdfunding for Zombies game
  • Zombiescape
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    How to get crowdfunding for Zombies game

    by Zombiescape » Tue Dec 25, 2018 6:46 am

    Hello guys,

    I have started a new game with unique concept. The game is Zombiescape: Survival in a post zombie apocalypse

    About the game :

    The game is set in a post zombie apocalypse with the intent on being able to interact with the world in the same manner (or close to) the way you would in real life.

    Have you ever fantasised about how your fort would look during a zombie apocalypse? Perhaps you've looked at a giant warehouse and thought about the many ways you could prepare it to be your new home. This is the game that will allow you to create, defend and survive how you wish.

    You can collect grass and sticks to create tinder for fires. Gather clay to fire and make your own bricks. Break down walls in a building to make a bigger fort. Add razorwire to the top of a building to prevent climbers, and so much more. This is not just a zombie game but one that pushes creativity to new limits.

    You will encounter mutated zombies who will have various speeds and abilities as well as the problem that your own body has the chance to mutate (0.1% chance) with each attack.

    You can play online and work with other survivors to help build up an existing fort to create a heavily fortified base and strive for supremacy over the zombies. One drawback of bigger bases is that more mutated and powerful zombies will be drawn to you.

    Start your own base and choose whether to let other survivors in automatically or not, taking the risk that a newcomer may not have your best interests at heart.

    If you choose to play offline with the option of going solo, or sending a radio signal to call survivors to your fort to help with defence, harvesting and more.

    Everything you do in the world will give you experience in a skill which over time has better effects - the more you make armor the better you get at making more durable and stronger armor. The more you build, the less materials you waste (such as bent / lost nails, split wood) when constructing.

    *Bad Karma Effect* - a new global rule will take place to discourage overkills: a player who has a much higher power rating (Overly powerful weapons, armor and level) deciding to attack a much lower rated player will suffer the bad karma effect: all negative chances for something to occur are much, much higher and all positive chances for something to occur are all but zeroed out for a period of time. This includes things like chance of critical strike, chance for an attack to miss and so on.

    If you ever wandered how you would go in the world if a zombie apocalypse took place, this game would test your creativity.

    Risks and challenges :

    The risks and challenges that can be imagined at this point is the game taking a little longer t build than anticipated due to the depth it will go in to. It is more likley the game will be released with a couple of the world parts complete (such as regional area, suburban area) with other areas being developed and then released as it rolls on.
    I am aiming to have realistic graphic models as can be seen in the video, so I am using various platforms to create 3d models of things that will be used in the game. This will slow down variety for a short period of time and there may be some repetition in things like tree graphics, armor graphics and so on.
    I am hoping that once the funding hits its mark the game should take no longer than a few weeks to complete and then be rolled out to the servers, but we all know that time can be a bigger factor than we think. ... ref=70pxp8

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    Re: How to get crowdfunding for Zombies game

    by Cristina » Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:26 am

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