Hi, my name is Binu Thomas...
  • BinuThomas
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    Hi, my name is Binu Thomas...

    by BinuThomas » Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:38 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I am not sure if anyone will bothering reading this, but I figured I would at least try.

    As I said in the subject my name is Binu Thomas and I recently launched a kickstarter campaign. This is my first kickstarter so I am excited and nervous at the same time.

    The background into my project is basically as a new dad, I wanted to do something for my daughter, Liahna, which would help with her spiritual growth and she would remember later on in life. (I am a believer and would like to teach my daughter the same.) I drew a series of cartoons and wrote rhymes that told stories of the Bible. Honestly, I did this for her, but with the encouragement of my wife I decided to make it available to everyone. It is called Bible in Rhyme. As I said before, I am nervous like no other about this, but I just hope it can help spread the Word in a fun way, and bring glory to God =)

    I read somewhere that kickstarter is not about the money, but a community that supports an idea. I would be enormously blessed if you all would consider this something you could support or perhaps even tell your friends.

    Here is the info on the kickstarter if you wanted to check it out.
    http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/150 ... ef=kickspy

    - Binu Thomas

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