Hey everyone! New here and new to crowdfunding
  • YZ Project
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    Re: Hey everyone! New here and new to crowdfunding

    by YZ Project » Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:17 pm

    Welcome great community!! I am new as well here! I very much appreciate every comment I read here. Like the majority of those who have discovered this community, I am in the process of a project that I want to launch. I have researched a lot of resources and read a lot of articles, and anyway I seem to have the feeling that something is missing, that there is still room for something.
    I appreciate @Charles's work and remarks, and I will appreciate a lot if you guys can offer me any feedback on the project before launch.
    This is the pre-launch form on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/35 ... n=856a060f

    Thanks in advance!

  • Food Chain
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    Re: Hey everyone! New here and new to crowdfunding

    by Food Chain » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:48 pm

    You've done really well, keep it up!

    Food Chain (fellow kickstarter)

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